❇Chap 17❇

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Twice with their Japanese song!

'Candy Pop,

Enjoy the chapter ~♥

Ange's P.O.V;

Continue on where we left off...

After seeing how adorable Aqua was I couldn't help myself and have a short but satisfying hug session with him~ sadly it had to end and we continued our journey to the {Sweet Village} that me and Aqua was curious about. I could smell the sweet scent of vanilla and were still far away from the village. Oh my! What an alluring and seducing scent~ I thought to myself as I wiped the drool that dare came out from my mouth with my hand.

I turned to see Aqua's doe blue eyes sparkled at the scent and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle that I bet it sounded creepy as hell. We then arrived at the gates where two guards lazily guarding the door though it looks like they were so ignorant that we easily sneaked in but I immediately scrunched my nose at the ground that looked like a bird's nest. I only endured as I continue to walk and as always..

-many people are staring-

But not just me but Aqua also. Those lustful eyes were checking Aqua's appearance as if he was a dessert , I can't help but glare at those girls whose face caked with make-up.

[Disgusting....] - Aqua

I could hear Aqua muttered under his breath as he had his head low. I only narrowed my eyes as I grabbed his little hand taking him by surprise as I searched for the shop that I spotted in the map when Aqua was busy transforming into his human form. I ran and ran with me pulling Aqua like he was a doll. Then I reached to a spot where there was full of greenery as white tables were set outside in a circle. At the center was a two story with the shop at the bottom , the building was build with bricks and woods from the forest. Two rectangular windows on the second floor made by the finest sand. The shop was colored deep cyan , see through windows and a cute door when you push it would let out a bell sound.

On top of the first building was {SWEET} white colored and written in bold letters . It's said to be the first pastry shop since the past mayor named the village {Sweet Village} sadly he passed away from coma. So the shop was the remembrance of their beloved mayor making customers flooding in the shop and making the owner of the shop a billionaire.

I stare at the shop seeing all the tables were already taken but I ignore as we entered the shop

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I stare at the shop seeing all the tables were already taken but I ignore as we entered the shop. The insides somehow looked more amazing. Their were stairs for the second floor full of tables that were taken. Many bookshelves with different kind of recipe and the history of it How extraordinary~ I secretly let out a chuckle as I went to the cashier also a place where you can order your sweets and take out. I leave Aqua alone since he can't let go of his attention to the books, I secretly prayed that he wouldn't lick or eat the recipe book.


I stare at Aqua shooting a -are you serious?- look to him who was not enjoying the taste of the old book. He blushed and putted the book back to it's respective shelf as he went up to me and cling on me like a baby koala. I only can cooed at him than being angry and receive wrinkles. I'm five years old so there's no way I'll be having wrinkles at such a young age. But I guess someone didn't listen to my words properly huh?

[What do you want?!]

I held my fist down before it could reach to this young boy who rudely greeted me at the cashier. I only gave a sweet (sickly) smile as I stare at the boy who was younger than me. Maybe a year younger?

I pointed my fingers at the menu than saying it since I have no idea what my mouth will blurt out once I open it but I guess this guy just want a piece of it huh?!

[Can't you talk? Are you mute or something snorts ] -Boy

Why this boy who doesn't know how to respect your elders!

[Hey I'm here to only order not listening to your shitty words and your shitty attitude.] -Ange

My voice was full of venom mix with scarscam as I glared at the boy with my blue-green eyes as my pink lips had a sweet smile. I could see the boy shivers as he nod.

That's much better.

He then went to the kitchen that was connected to the cashier and bring a pink box the next moment.

[T-that will be 89 coppers...]

The boy said stuttering as I gave him 1 silver as he gave me the change - 11 copper coins.


1 copper = 1

1 silver = 100 coppers

1 gold coin = 1, 000 , 000 silvers

simple isn't?

I putted the copper coins in the bag that was full of gold coins and silvers coins as I grabbed the pink box and leave the shop with Aqua drooling at the box. Since the table at front was full we have no choice but to eat in the forest. We walked in the forest ignoring the whispers of the town folks.

We stopped at a tall tree as we sated on the green grass. I let Aqua enjoy the sweets since he makes the tea with his magic. I drinker the Rose tea that I brewed myself as I enjoyed the calming sounds in the forest.

Birds chirping , wind blowing making the trees ruffles their leaves as it fell on the green grass softly. It was indeed calming. I place the cup on he ground as I took a -macaroon that was shaped into an adorable koala with pink icing-

Next was a -chocolate cake fill with sweet caramel in every layer as melted dark chocolate was dripping from the top with a mint leave on the top that didn't look edible- I of course bought them two slice for me and Aqua who was enjoying the taste.

Last not least was a simple cookie -fill with chocolate chips around it as melted strawberry jam was at the bottom.- it was very sweet and a bit sour.

The sweets were very heaven like to enjoy but the problem was it's to sweet and looking at the many sweet shops in town no wonder the mayor died in coma...

He had high sugar blood.

The guards at the front was fat same goes to the town folks and hect the boy was also chubby!

If this goes on....

Their fate might as well become like the mayor...

To be Continued....

A/N: Minna-sama domō! Rui-chan desu!

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