❇Chap 24❇

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♪~ I need you girl...

Please don't bother Sasuke because he belongs to Naruto~♪

BTS : I need you

Enjoy the chapter~ humming the song.



My eyes slowly open to be met with a young girl with round blue that fades to pale green eyes fill with worry and a slight anger but mostly affection.

Her pink lips turned into a cute pout as she look at my messy appearance.

[Mōu~ Nagisa did you stay all night?]

The girl whine voice full of worry as she saw dark circles under my blue eyes. I could only nod at her question as I got off and went to shower.

Noticing a glimpse of worry in her eyes , I chose to ignore as I did my hygine stuff. After that I wore a pair of fresh boxers and put on my school uniform that was hanging on the door. Wearing my pants and lazily put on a tie , I grab my bag and went down.

My bag sliding down the stairs as I went to the dinning room. I saw a note that was obviously from mother and father as I saw the young girl, my sister place my breakfast.

My eyes instantly brighten as my lips turned upwards into a small smile. It was a veteran donut with scrambled eggs and salad on the side. I then look at her as she also smile and put a finger on her luscious lips.

[Shhh~ don't tell mother that I stole her recipe.]

She ended it with a wink as I could only nod at her acting mischievous for once. I enjoyed my breakfast as I drank a cup of milk in one gulp.

I then went to the front door to wear my shoes and waited for the young girl , my older sister. She arrive with a bento wrapped with a blue handkerchief as a horn came from behind. My big sister gave me a peck on both of my cheeks as I ran to my school van as I sat beside the window.

Waving at my big sister as the van move and their I go to my new kindergarten. We then arrive at a big building decorated with colourful paints and cute animals , cartoons were painted on the wall.

Students then went to their respective classes as I waited for a teacher to come pick me. Also I'm a transfer student , I was a full-blooded Japanese but born at a Korean hospital and move back to Japan because of mother amd father's work.

I walked through the empty hallways while hugging my brown bag tightly. I was shy and unsociable but I only get along with my big sister since she's the one who took care of me since my diaper era.

'I wish I was homeschool like big sister...

I though since my big sister was a genius since young and I know she'll be a wonderful woman in the future , I wonder whose the lucky man that'll win my sister's heart.

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