❇Chap 7❇

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♪ ring , ring ,ring Boomerang~ ♪

Deawhi looked so badass in the mv~

Though I'm still not a fan~♥

Ange's P.O.V;

Continue on where we left just a few minutes ago. I was going to ask the man if he know how to identify the person's magic that's when I was rudely interrupted by a loud slamming sound from the door that was from this young girl right now who looked a bit out of breath.

I wonder if she was one of the maids relative. No I'm not that kind of person either. It's just her feature is not like the man in front of me....


--I mentally snapped my finger. --

She might looks like their mother.

Soft blonde hair that looked pale and was straight with bangs parted at the left. Soft pale skin that looked a bit dead and frozen, round copper purple eyes with thin eyelashes , chubby cheeks and a button nose and also peachy pink plump lips. She was wearing a cute dress with a pink sailor collar with a light pink ribbon tied and a short light pink skirt that's up to her knees.

-_-_-_- Confirmation_-_-_-_-_

She's a noble. Continue on, where the girl finally catches her breath as she scanned the room. When he spotted the man her smile turned (sickly) sweet as she called the man out with a sweety girl tone.


I cringe a little as I slumped on the sofa ignoring the sigh from the man. The man personality shockingly took a 90 degrees turn as his cold aura dissapear and flowers were flutter around him.
I should ask him if I may puke.

[Yes~....my little princess?]
The man called out to the young girl with a sweet way of calling.
Oh my god! LET ME PUKE!

The girl then smiled and ran pass me before giving me a nasty glance as she bumped to the older boy and pushed the younger one that was sitting on the man lap as she putted her ass on his thighs.

The young boy fell with a loud thud as tears came at the edge of his eye but he held it in as he stood up and sit on my lap. I was thinking to kill the girl because she pushed this innocent boy but now that I think of it.

I'm quite blessed that she was born.

The young boy was sitting with his arm cutely crossed and mouth to a pout. I wrapped my arms around his tiny waist just for protection. Yup, That's it.

I then smelled a sweet cotton candy caramel like smell at the corner of my nose. I wonder if that came from this boy?
Isn't it obvious.

I then snapped from my thoughts as I thought of finishing my sentence when I was rudely interrupted. I then let out a fake cough as all of their attention is to me. I then smiled at the man as I continue with my words.

[Since I was rudely interrupted.] I gave a glare at the girl as she stick out her tounge.

[Oh, yes. You may continue.]

I nod as I continue.

[Well I was asking if you know a way to identify your magic or... do you have a crystal ball ? I'm sorry if this to much to aks for.] I told him as his eyes then widen a bit. He then chuckled as he nod and putted down the girl. Haha! In your face!
As he walked towards me and crouched down to my height.
My face was stoic as he gently smile and stood up to grab my tiny hand as we exited the room leaving the three children alone.

-Where is this pedo taking me?-

I kept my awareness high as I stare at him suspiciously. His once cold blood red eyes had turn into the eyes of a child earning a candy. I kept up my pace with him as we then arrived to another room but this time with a blue door with crystal decorated in a circle.

He then turned the doorknob as the door make a creak sound as we both went in. I saw a man with white hair and a long white beard standing at the giant window looking at the view.

Beside him was a small brown table with a royal red pillow on the top as a clear crystal ball sat on the pillow. Ahhh~ so he has a crystal ball. He then takes me to towards the ball as the old man notices us and greeted the man.
He then saw me and narrowed his eyes....


The man noticed this and glare at the old man. Sorry but I think this old man here is much older than you pedo can't you respect your elders? I sweatdropped as the old man backed up as he began to speak, his voice was full of wisdom.

[May I ask what are you doing here Duke Reinhard?] -old man

Ahhh~ so the pedo's name is Reinhard . Then I'll start calling him by his given name or I'll just keep calling him Mr Pedophile

Continue on the man named Reinhard reply to the old man whose name seems to be Jonathan.

[ Hello there Jonathan. I'm only here to fulfil this child request for Saving my two dear son.]
-Duke Reinhard

Why are you putting pressure at the child word and dear son? The conversation continue as I was getting bored and decided to go towards the crystal. If I wasn't mistaken in all the reincarnation book's that I've read. You have to put your hand on the ball and it will shine colours depends on your elements.

But how will I know what those colors of elements are? I ignored that thought and followed like the stories told. I putted my arm on the crystal ball and suddenly......

To be Continued.....
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A/N: Minnna Konichiwa! Curious about the MC's elements?


-Over powered-


Well you will know in the next chapter that I'll soon update.

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