❇Chapter 32❇

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Let's play some music to hype things up~

Song: any song~

His so freaking adorable! UwU


Ange's P.O.V;

Continue where we last off..._________

My eyes turned in a cold glare as it gazes on the gramps kneeling before me. My hand moved and I felt it grows warmer making me tort my attention on my hand seeing a blazing flame engulfing my hand. I smirked and stare soullessly towards my target who had a dreaded expression. 'I should stop, I was only planning to scare him off...' I thought and- wait...why? Why is the fire still on my hand!

I felt my whole body wasn't in my control as my hand raises getting ready to shoot the flame towards the man. This feeling makes me panic as I hurriedly shouted at Aqua for help. 'Aqua why can't I move my body?!' Silence greeted me as I kept calling for Aqua's name for any reply. That's when my body had thrown the flame towards the man. 'No! Wait-'

In the blink of an eye, a loud explosion erupted as I shut my mouth denying any smoke to come in while coughing at the dust that successfully went in inside my nostrils. 'The man is he okay?!' I thought worriedly as I open my eyes widely to see a small figure behind the large smoke. 'A child?!' My instinct took over me as I ran to check if the child was okay but I was stopped by Aqua covering me with his hand. I struggle to push him away as I panic.

[Aqua! What are you doing, there's a child for goodness sake. I have to check-] -Ange

I said but my voice died down when I notice the child was surrounded by a barrier as it slowly disappears. What's more surprising was, the child made that barrier seeing that the child's body glowed and I felt mana flowing out of the body. 'Who is this kid..?' My eyes squinted making out very short pink hair, large bluish eyes, and pouty lips. I couldn't make out the clothes the child was wearing because she/he wore a large black cloak that covers her/his petite figure but looking at the child's face, it looks like she's a girl.


My body jolted hearing the high shout from her mouth as I snapped from my train of thoughts. I stare at her squinting eyes glaring at me as I blink a few times signing I didn't understand. She got the sign and clicked her tongue.

[Tch, I asked who are you?! Having strong magic...what is your intention!] -The girl

She asked loudly as she kept her glare directly on me. I peeked behind her seeing the old geezer had run off to who knows where as a vein popped on my head. 'What a baby.' I thought as I heave a sigh and calmly stare at the young lady. She didn't look younger than me nor does she looks older, so I don't have to put any formality.

[My identity is not something I should give to a mere stranger. Also, I only came to shop for stuff but I guess that clerk hostility irked me.] -Ange

I calmly answered as I grabbed Aqua's arm to ease his tense body. I felt his gaze on me as he walks to hide behind me. 'I guess I should leave...there's go my fun shopping...at least, I bought some useful things from the other tents.' I thought as I turn my body to leave the crowding place feeling uncomfortable with the gazes given to me.

[Hey, wait I wasn't done talking to you!] -The girl

I heard the girl spoked as I fast walk to avoid her presence. With my sharp hearing, I heard hurried footsteps following me as I grab Aqua's hand and fasten my pace, shortly I was running away from her. 'Damn was she desperate!' I screamed as I sprint and went in small corners hoping to lose her but boy, was she's swift. I then had an idea as I ran towards a dark corner.

Using magic, I created a black cloak to cover myself as Aqua went back inside the insignia while I whisper the spell to summon my wings as the cloak covers them. I then stopped and went to push the trash bin as it rolls down at her and slowed her down. I smirked and continues to run until I reached a dead end. I then float as I went over the tall wall and went to hide on the rooftop of the building. 'Finally!' I screamed as I peeked to see if she was still there.

I notice she found out that it was a dead-end as she turns around to see if I was hiding anywhere. 'I better take my leave now...' I thought as I fly above the clouds and took out the map from my space.

[Now where should we go next?] -Ange

I scanned the paper forgetting the whole situation back at the village.


Third Person P.O.V;

Going back to the village a certain young lade was unpleasant knowing her plan didn't work as she stomped her feet in frustration. She yet again failed to kill her. Her anger reached her max as she throws the things around her making loud crashes and a whole lot of mess. She then cursed the magic she obtains.

[This control body magic is f*cking useless! How do you expect me to use this?!] -???

The girl screamed as she glares at the shadowy figure. The black silhouette gave a sly smirk as it glides towards the girl's ear whispering its plan. The girl's eyes widen and her body shook in- excitement! Loving the plan the shadow whispered as she held her hand out.

[You got a deal! Let's make it happen...Then I'll be more powerful than her! And finally, I could have the harem I dream of~ it's perfect!] -???

The girl daydream as she squeals in excitement and went her way to commence the scheme while ignoring the mischievous smirk on the shadow's face.

[Oh, how easy it is to manipulate humans like you...Everything is going according to plan~]

Oh, how wrong Ange was to leave the village sooner.

TO BE CONTINUED...________________

A/N: Heyyy...so yeah I haven't updated this for almost a year...

Ange: almost?

For a year...yeah, please forgive me! I lack inspiration when I was trying to write this chapter making me focus on my studies and being in my third year in high school...I have a big exam in September! So I'm putting my brain in a cracking year.

Again, please forgive me for my lack of ideas and inspiration.

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Take care of your health ′′′w

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