❇Chap 10❇

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Well I heard this song played in [Hello counselor] and searched for it.

Got7 with their song 'Lullaby~♪'
Ange's P.O.V;

'Somebody? No- anybody help me....'

Save me from this two terrifying adults! Remember when I said that I have a friendly conversation with them?

Well I was wrong. This has turn bad to worse. Their asking lots of questions!



[How old are you?] -woman

[Five years old madam.]

[What's your taste in men's?] -woman +_+

[Eh? Uhhh.....nice,loyal and... caring I guess?] -Ange 'though it's rare to find those kind of men this days'
[My~ your such a beauty who do you take after?] -Woman

[Ettō~ 'Ah I just remembered I don't have paretns here yet' my mother?] -Ange

[Ahhh~ she must be a stunning woman.] -men

Then the man got head sliced by his wife whose face is red in anger. 'Kowaii~'

[Do you have any siblings?] -woman

[Yes I do. A little brother ^_^] -Ange

'In my past life after he died.'
That was a sad memory.


[What's your attributes?] -woman

[Eh? I still don't know the results.] -Ange

I told them as I stare at the mansion.

Times flies by as they got ready to go home but before they could leave with their son.

[Oh! Before I go. May I ask this last question. What's your name?] - Man

[A-ange Bluebell, sir.] -Ange

[Ange? Ah! That's my sister's name....] -woman

Said the woman happily I smiled also but then the happy aura turned into a depressed one..

[ -after assassin from an enemy Kingdom killed her...] -woman

'I'm sorry for laughing!' I sweatdropped as I nervously smile and apologize.

[Eh~ it's not your fault it's just those people are jealous of my sister beauty!] -woman

I can't help but to sweatdrop more as I stare at the woman in front of me telling the full story while trying to eat a biscuit but failed and just broke them into pieces.

'Please don't release your anger on those innocent biscuit!'

I mentally shouted as they continued to walk as I followed. The family had gone home and as the for the bratty girl she had already went to bed. The white haired boy? I'm wondering if I could ask his name.

I'm tired of calling him 'White haired little boy' Now~ where is he? I turned my head into many directions but no sign of the boy.
'Weird I swear he was following us until now...' I shrugged the thought as I think of asking him tomorrow also....

When will I know my attributes?!

I only heaved a tiring sigh as I exited the mansion. I wished for my wings to appear not bothering to check if anyone was there. It's night. Everyone is probably asleep.

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