❇Chap 19❇

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'Cheer up baby, cheer up baby ...
Now let's start writting~♪'


°•Cheer up!•°

Enjoy the chapter....

Third Person P.O.V;

A woman wearing a blue dress showing her cleavage as her dress hugs her slender body showing of her curves making men's drool for her. She only smirk as she tucked her brown hair behind her ear.

Her face was covered with make up making her look very delicious. Many men stopped to eye the beauty or whistle at her , moreover trying to talk to her but unfortunately had been pulled by their jealous wife or girlfriend.

The woman continue to walk until she reached to the famous sweet shop meeting up with her friends.

[Hello gals~]

She said as she sat in the chair her legs crossed smirking after seeing the reaction of her friends. It was disbelief mixed with shock but also jealous and envy. The woman smirk became wider as she held her hand on her slightly tanned cheeks.

[ M-maria is that r-really y-you?!] -Woman 2

Woman 2 who had a chubby figure asked woman 1 in disbelief seeing how much had her friend changed. Woman 1 only smirked and nod. After that all of the girls bombared her with question but mostly it was...

[How did you become slender in 2 weeks?!]

Making the other girl's perk their ears when they heard this , heck even men was listening! Woman 1 only smiled and bringed something from her bag. The other girls watched intently at the woman 1 movements seeing her taking out a white box.

Woman 1 placed it in front of the girls as she said in a sing song voice.

[With the help of this~♪] -Woman 1

['This'?] -other woman's

The other shouted in disbelief asking if she was pulling a prank on them. Woman 1 only smile softly and explained the whole story as she let the other taste the veteran donut. 

They were shock that the donut was made by a 5 year old child and helped Woman 1 and her workers to have this killing body.

[Also since she gave the recipe to the chef... The chef opened a store nearby the hotel...]

With the woman 1 words everybody and I mean EVERYBODY left the shop leaving woman 1 alone enjoying her sweet bubble tea. The owner of the shop was shock but saw woman 1 as the flirt session begin but it ended up with the owner getting a swollen eyes , nose and other parts that you innocent readers shouldn't know.


In another shop called ダイエット shop°. or in English °diet shop• it was named by the owner , Cassalian Lemón  , once a chef working in a five stars hotel and now have a shop of his own and it's full of customer.

[Fruit cake , Apple pie , vanilla cake , brocoli cake/pie , strawberry marine and macaroon...

Salad , pasta , salmon , steak with Salad , ect , ect...]

A kitsune said with blue eyed said as he sat on the hands of a stunning young girl as he readed the menu that was created by her.

[Aren't you wasting your talents?]

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