❇Chap 18❇

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√Just Right √

By Got7!

Ange's P.O V;

Continue on where we last of..

The sky had turned dark leaving the moon and the stars as their source of light.

The smell of ink was all I smell. The lamp beside me was my source of light. Soft snoring from the bed calms me down. As I kept bitting on the pencil while abusing my brain for idea's....

In front of me was a piece of blank paper. Frustrated I stood up , kicking ball's of paper on the floor as I went to the bed staring at the peaceful boy sleeping. I carres his soft white hair as he purrs in his sleep.

I smile as I stare at the window wondering when will the morning come. I sat on the bed as I pulled the covers over my body as I turned to be met with his cute sleeping face. My eyes become drowsy as my brain take me to dreamland.

I wonder how can I save them...

[Dream ]

The morning dew of the sun came in from the pale green curtain as a sweet scent came in my nose as a

•° ding°•

Sound was heard from the kitchen. The sweet scent grew stronger as I came closer. A tall petite figure I see from afar. Soft pale blonde hair with a sweet apple scent was in a high ponytail with a cute pale link hairband held it loosely.

The beauty turned as she spotted me and gently smile like an angel as if the whole world stopped and I could only see her.

[Ah~ Ange want a bite?]

She told me as she held the pan to my height. I only could nod as she chuckles softly and sat the pan on the table. Bringing a plate from the cabinet she placed the sweet on it and serve me.

[Enjoy ~!]

She sang as she looked at me with eyes full of eagerness. I looked at the round dough in front of me. It was plain and round shaped as a hole was at the middle.

A donut

I picked up the warm donut as I placed in my mouth as I chew the soft dough savouring the taste. Even though it was plain I kept eating it and eating it till their left was crumbs.

I wonder why something plain could taste something amazing
The woman only smile as she patted my blonde hair as I stare at her with curious blue mix green eyes.

[It's a veteran donut. Since your little brother doesn't eat meat , this donut should make his stomach full and I make plenty!]

I only nod in understanding but that's not the thing I want to know.

The woman see's my not satisfying face and let out a small chuckle. As she bringed me more of the donut as I stare down at it.

[It's love~ cliché? I know but I putted my effort and love into it....]

She then picked up the donut as she gave a me a close eyes smile.

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