❇Chap 11❇

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It's because your [So special] that I updated for you♥

This young girl is so adorable and her dance moves are very energetic. Na Haeun★
Ange's P.O.V;

Well continue on where we left...

Library where are you?! I've been flying like almost an hour and there's still no sign of a library. All I see are trees , trees , trees and more trees!

-Also a child with a woman in a pool of blood-

Sigh should I help them? I'm an angel , and Angels are known to help people... Well I have no choice do I?

(A/N: No, not really.)

I let out another sigh as I went in the forest. I wished for my wings to dissapear and searched for the child. Did you think I'm gonna let them know that I'm an angel?

After rummaging through many twigs and branches I've finally found them. I hurriedly ran and saw the child crying out a river. The child sure can cry. On the child's lap was a woman with her stomach covered in red.

I went closer and seems like the child notice me. With that the child pointed a sharp sword on my neck as I held both of my hands up showing that Im not gonna harm them.

With that the child who was a boy putted down the sword. I stared at the woman's wound as I ripped the cloth so that I could see the injury more clearly. Being a doctor in my last life I'm not scare of blood-

Now your probably asking how am I gonna heal the woman because I have no idea how to use magic-

Well I'm gonna use the knowledge of my past life. First the child seems to have a bottle water so he gave it to me as I washed the wound.

-the wound seems like its just a cut but she loosing lots of blood to fast-

So I have to hurry. The teared cloth that was from the woman's clothes/dress, I grabbed the string on the edge and pull it... Now all I need is a needle.
Heck does this world even invented a needle?! The boy seems to notice my face expression and gave a needle to me.

-What-how-when- Ehhhhh??-

I slapped myself and focussed on the injury. With that I close the cut as I covered it herbs that I picked when I was searching for these two.


With that finished. I let out a satisfied sigh as I stood up and wiped the blood on my hands with my white dress that was already covered with blood.
I'll find a river when I'm done.

Suddenly a sound of horses footsteps could be heard. I searched for it and saw a man on a horse wearing noblish clothes. Wait did I save a noble kid?!

I could only stay speechless as I hurriedly plan my escape. I wished for my wings to appear and flew off but the boy held my dress. His eyes was wide as a wind passes by blowing our hairs.

[C-could I ask what's your name...]

The boy asked his voice sounds like sweet honey.

I only gulped and whispered my middle name...


With that the boy let go as I hurriedly flew off. I stared afar. The boy was looking up the sky and the man had already appeared. A family

How nice. I then continued my mission.

I fly and found a village. I flew down to a nearby forest with a river and granted my wings to dissapear as I went to a nearby river and washed the blood from my dress.

With that I let it dry as I begin to explore the village. Many merchants were selling their stuff and many people buying them. Small houses , kids laughter ,old folks making jokes.

It all felt warm when I saw it in front of my eyes. Since my dress didn't have a hood so I couldn't cover myself and many people were staring at me as if I'm from another world , well technically I am but still don't just stare I really hate that.

I only ignore it and continue to walk but I guess I was running because I bumped an old man. I was shocked and hurriedly helped him to stand while apologizing many times. With that he left not before I asked if he knew where was the library is. He gave me direction and with that he left as I thanked him for the help.

Okay. It couldn't be far from here! +_+

He said that it was around a fountain that was at the middle of the town. I looked straightly seeing the fountain I cheered but stopped when I saw a wave of people walking here and there. I gulped as I stare at the big crowd. Well earning knowledge is much better than hearing people whispering and staring at you.


To Be Continued....

A/N: if you enjoyed the chapter please feel free to leave a vote and comments of what you think!

I also hope all of you readers have a nice day♥



Ruimare: Today a very good friend of mine died because of a stupid man! His the same age as me and always pray every '5 waktu'. He always fast (puasa penuh) and it's such a pity that I never meet an amazing Muslim like him. (Q_Q)

For Muslim and muslimah out there... (Dermakanlah surah al-fatiha untuk dia) and for the non-muslim it's okay if you ignore this.


Advice: As your author, please be careful when you're riding a bicycle and never ride side by side with a long/big vehicle.

It's very dangerous and I beg you please be careful when you crossing the road or going outside.


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