❇Chapter 29❇

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"Hurry make up your mind is it yes or yes?"

The rhythm, the lyrics , the cheography everything is a YES for me.

Yes or Yes

Me: I'm quite not good with math but who knows this answer for this equation...

Twice + English =      

Ange's P. O.V;

Continue on where we last off...

Slowly my eyelids opened feeling fresh same goes with my body. I felt energized after the short nap.
I stood up as I checked my surroundings suddenly feeling like a wave of had went in to my mind. I searched for the pink eyed fox whom I freeze.

My eyes widen as I saw the ice had melted and the fox is nowhere to be found while I was searching I heard a small groan behind me. I turned my head as I saw Aqua still unconscious and I went straightly to him worriedly.

Looking at the back of his head that was slightly bloody I hurriedly casted a healing spell on it. My body glowed golden yellow as my hands emits white sparkles as it heal the wound on Aqua's head. Aqua let out another groan as his eyelids slowly opened and I could see the oceanic blue eyes that I miss.

A wave of relieve washes over me as I helped him to sit. Creating a fluffy pillow from creation magic I place it behind his back since I didn't want him to hit the rock again. He let out a small cough as I gave him a bottle of water to drink and he did , emptying the bottle.

[How do you feel now? Better?]

I aksed him softly as I caressed his soft locks of hair. Aqua let out a small cough because he was drinking to fast. He then speak in between his coughs.

[Cough A bit ...cough ... though I feel dizzy but it'll ... Cough cough subside... Cough.] -Aqua

I stare at him worriedly as I patted his back. I only nod as I let him in my insignia to rest. I then let out a relief sigh as I shivered feeling like there's a pair of eyes staring at me as I shrug it off thinking that I might imagining things but my gut said otherwise.
I then continue my journey through the forest praying so that I won't met with another beast or anyone , anything.

'I guess God didn't heard my words...'

[Wait , wait... So you have been following us all this time?!] -Ange

I shouted in disbelief as his head dropped like a pity puppy. I held my urge to hug him as my personality took a 90 degrees turn. My eyes glinted as I let out a growl.

[ Now... How about you? You pink eyed stalker / Fox?!!]

If I kept getting mad I'll get wrinkles as I rubbed my forehead making my squinted eyebrows ease. I then stare at the pink eyed stalker/ Fox. He looked hesitant but gain the courage as his head held up in pride.

[ P-please make a contract with me!!] -Pink eyed stalker/fox

'Well I guess having wrinkles is fine with me.' I thought as a thick mark appeared on my forehead as I attack him making the boy beside me yelp and Aqua to come out of the insignia.

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