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↑ Though not a wannabe (?), wannabes(?) Aigoo! Fan but the song is catchy a perfect song to describe my mood.
The third Person P.O.V;

[Ange-san! Patient 103 has suddenly stopped breathing] -Nurse

[Eh? Send the patient to the operating room stat. Call the team also.] (Sorry not really a doctor so I'm just gonna say what's come out from my mouth "-__-)

Answered a 25-year-old lady with her golden blonde hair into a loose bun, black-rimmed glasses that covers her beautiful blue mixed with green colored eyes. A petite body with well-developed breasts wearing a white jacket and a tag name.

[Ange Bluebell]

[Scapel.] As the lady held her hand to her assistant.

[Scapel] the nurse said as he put the scapel on her palm.

With that, the lady named Ange cut the patient stomach as blood flowed out. The other nurse wiped the blood out of the way. Ange continued on with the operation.

And not reaching an hour the operation was a success.

Ange sighed and exited the room to wash her hands. She arrived in front of the sink as she took off her gloves that were dirtied by blood and throw into a yellow trash bin. She washes her hand with liquid soap as few nurses pass her.

Ange not on purpose listened to their conversation.


[Nē, how did the operation go?] -Nurse 1

[Of course, as always a success and this time Ange-san broke her record!] -Nurse 2 said with excitement in her tone.

[You mean The Ange Bluebell ?!] -Nurse 1 said with shock

[Who else?! Unbelievable beauty and talent, is none other than The Ange Bluebell!]
- Nurse 2 continue while scolding the Nurse 1 a bit.

[Ahhh~ I wish I was like her. Boys falling for me every time they saw me~] -Nurse 1 said as she dreamily said that though it was impossible.

[I heard rumors said that her mother was a famous model and known whole wide.] -Nurse 2 said.

[How about her father?] -Nurse 1

[Well I heard he died in a car accident...] -Nurse 2

[I guess not everyone is meant to be happy huh?] -Nurse 1

'Ah, there's go another false rumors' thought Ange as she turned the tap off and wiped her hand with cleaned times. She then throws it in the blue trash bin that was beside the yellow one. But it's true that my mother was a model and father did die in a car accident...

Ange walked to her office to pick up her stuff and put her jacket on the chair as she switched the lights off. Before she leaves she checked the patient that she just operated.

The patient was a 54-year-old man with a stage four of stomach cancer.

The man right now is in the bed awake as he hugged two young girls who seemed to be his daughter seeing the resembles.
A woman was at the corner crying tears of joy. She then saw Ange and hurriedly went to her.

Ange stared at her as the woman smiled a motherly smile making Ange's heart ache a bit. The woman thanked her a billion times and pay her kindness by giving her a lollipop.

Ange was a bit happy because she got sweets though she had leftover cake at her apartment. Mah better eats it early then.

She opened the wrapper and put the sweet stick of joy in her mouth. The sweetness spread as Ange hums happily.

She went to her car and started the engine. Off she goes. Then it started raining heavily making Ange shivered as a scenario played in her mind. 'It's like that day...' She was deep in thought not noticing a truck was going to crash with her car.

The horn of the truck makes her snapped from her thoughts as she fastly turned the steering wheel. But it was too late.

A loud crash was heard continuing with the sirens of the ambulance. Ange's body was in a car limping there with her eyes slightly open. The candy that was in her mouth dropped somewhere and probably break. Her car mirror shattered into thousands of shards. Scratching her body. A bouquet of pink carnations and yellow dandelion was beside her.

Well, at least she gets to be with her family again.

The day she died is the day when all of them died.

The same way...



>But different endings...


A/N: So~ how was it? Enjoyed then feel free to leave a vote and comment of what you think about.

Although it's a bit short, I did my best!


Now I'm off to my new school with my little sister.

Love you all~♥!

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