❇Chap 21❇

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Kids I advice you don't play with fire unless your are against a rival/enemy ~


Ange's P. O.V;

Continue on where we last off...

I have come here to venture the Mahou Village and bought a ring. That's when we decide to search for the library since we didn't know where it is , we decide to ask the villagers.


Every time I asked they will either ignore me or push me away. I was so mad that I pent all my anger at a hidden corner not making sure if there was anyone.

Unfortunately a girl , a noble at that heard me and had challenge me to a duel. I'm wondering if she ran from her etiquette lessons? Because I'm sure glaring , shouting , pointing a finger , challenging someone is in ladylike.

Moreover if you accepted the challenge but I'm a 5 year old not a lady yet. So it's fine for me to accept the challenge, It's like a takewondo battle except you die in the battle. Right now I'm in a waiting room wearing some safety pads on my body like elbow and knees.

I tied my hair in a high ponytail as Aqua kept staring at me with a red face. Make sense since I took of the dress and wear combat clothing. But what I'm weird out is blushing at me wearing combat clothes?

I only realese a sigh as I went to check out the dome. Many participants came here to train or just fight. Making many villagers attracted to the violence. Since I'm fighting with a girl who seemed older than me by a year mostly a noble. I guess I held back a bit unless she's also op.

It's not like I'm overpowered to though....

Sigh why did I accept when I know I'm going to lose. maybe...

Then the battle stopped and it was my turn. I could see the noble girl shouting at the guards as they helped the girl wear her pink combat clothes. I could only shake my head as I wait for the MC to let us in the battle field.

[ We're back from the 2 minutes break. The next battle is something very unexpected and probably make all of you jump from your seats!] -MC 1

My fist gritted tighter as nervousness wash over me with Aqua trying his best to cheer me up.

[Your right MC 1 mostly coming from the Stone family!] -MC 2

At the corner of my eyes I could see two men jumping from their seats as a lady beside him could only widen her eyes.

'I felt bad for them.... But it's their fault spoiling her to much.'

[Introducing the youngest heir , Rosetta Vivian Stone , the Challenger ...] -MC 1

On que the purple hair girl walked out as cheer and support was given to her by the villagers.
Making me worried if she was that strong.

The claps soon quited down as it was my turn.

[-As her opponent is... eyes widen... A-ange Gabriel Bluebell , a commoner.] -MC 2

Seriously? I know the MC looked worry so I'll forgive you since I know that I am one. I walked out as silence greeted me as I could see the sneer of the brat's face.

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