❇Chapter 30❇

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Since I don't know what's the theme~ I randomly pick a song and enjoy the chapter!

'Hi High'

By: Loona!

Ange's P.O.V;

Continue on where we last off...

Exactly what did I get myself into?

I have planned to stay low and average while successfully complete my mission but somehow throughout my journey in |Kurø Forēst| I have two kitsune stalkers that are begging me to make a contract with them, even Aqua.

Did God plan this or is it fate playing with me? I let out a frustrating sigh as my question didn't have answers. I have decided to just accept my fate since you can't go against fate...

[Then it's decided...]

I heard Aqua whispered but loud enough for me to hear. Suddenly a wave of wind made our hairs flutter. We decide to form a private contract just like Aqua as we let our mana be connected.

I closed my eyes as I felt two links connect with mines. My body glowed a faint golden color as our body floats. I opened my eyes to see half of the forest darkens showing that the pink-eyed fox is a dark magic user. Why am I not surprised...

I turned my attention to the other kitsune beside him with fireball particles dancing around him like the planets in the solar system. I sweat a bit when I felt the heat growing as I confirmed that his a Fire magic user. He did look like one with his auburn eyes and dazzling red hair that fades to a hue of orange.

[Contract form, Type: Private Contract!] -Kitsunes and Ange

[I, Ange Gabriel Bluebell form two contractors and hereby the name, Louis!] -Ange

I chanted as I pointed at the fox now known as Louis, a dark magic user. A symbol of a scorpion dye in black appeared on my left hand as it fades. Lotus my new contracted fox gently landed.

[I, Ange Gabriel Bluebell hereby the name,  Leon!] - Ange

I again chanted but know to point at the kitsune with auburn eyes know known as Leon. With that, a fire symbol appeared on my shoulders as it soon fades like the other. Leon landed on the grounded softly while I well it was a bumpy ride.


[Itai...] -Ange

I whispered as I rubbed my bossom ignoring stifle laughter from the three. My cheeks redden as I stood up and faked a cough, my face was in serious mode.

[Know that I've done what you ordered... I hope we get along.] -Ange

I said then shyly feeling the heat rises up again. They all smile and nod their heads vigorously as they went back inside their insignia except for...

[What's wrong Aqua?] -Ange

I worriedly said to him as he stares at me and a tint of red could be seen on his cheeks. While fidgeting he lookss at me at the eye as he softly smiles.

[S-sorry that I was mean to you and forcing you to made contract with them...] -Aqua

Aqua shyly said in a soft tone with his eyes narrowed. I felt my heart soften as I went closer to him.


Before Aqua could say anything I engulfed him in my arms. Rubbing his back drawing a circle as I cooked for him to calm down. I rubbed his soft hair as I pulled him closer and his head is now on my shoulders that I felt it wet slowly.

After a while, Aqua calmed down as he went back in his insignia to rest. I continue my journey as I finally exited the |Kurø Førest| alive with a bit of injury but it quickly healed using my healing ability. I felt my mana unlocked as my wings re-appeared I checked on them to see it was in a good shape.

I took out the map as I unfold it and searched for the next near the village. My eyes scanned as I spotted |Kurø Forest| and below it is Elf Village.


Elf: A species specialize in earth magic. Their known to have Nature and Healing hands ability's since they were born. The place they live is in the forest where they build a cozy home on top of the trees to get closer to mother nature.

How to identify an elf: There were known for their pointy ears and long hair, for Male elves. For women,lf's breast is slightly bigger than humans.


'Then what am I doing here just standing?'

[Let's go!] -Ange, Aqua, Louis, Leon

The three of us shouted as I flew towards the way. Loving the wind hitting my hair as my wings flapped softly like a butterfly but with feathers.

Passing through trees as their leaves rustle and bird leaving their nest from surprise how miss my wings...' I thought as I focused on the road, though there's no road above the surface. Soon night came as I decide to build a campsite, on the cloud of course.

Since Angel's couldn't feel hunger I don't need to worry about food but...

[Is it done yet?] -Louis

I grew thick mark since Louis had repeated those words 1,305th time while I cooked the meat with Louis fireball magic I release a sigh as I wonder if making a contract with these two was a great idea.

'They sure easily get hungry but not as a patient like Aqua...'

I thought as I served the meat on a reusable plastic plate. The three hungry boys eat the meat with gusto as I couldn't help but chuckle at their messy face and chickmunks cheeks. I took out a handkerchief from my pocket as I wipe their mouth while cooing

[ Geez you three have no manners at all~ ] -Ange

I held their faces as I gently wiped the gravy on their cheeks until it's squeaky clean. I then made the cloth disappear in thin air as I created a new one.

The three burped as they went inside the insignia leaving me cleaning the mess. I don't mind since, in my past life, I enjoy cleaning at home.

After cleaning I layed my head on the cloud as I cover myself inside the blanket like a sushi roll. My eyelids slowly felt heavy as they close and light snores were heard.

To be continued...

A/N: Enjoy the chapter feel free...

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That's all as you wait for the next chapter ~


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