❇Chap 26❇

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"Not today , no no no...

I wouldn't give her read this yaoi manga.



Ange's P.O.V;

Continue on where we last off...

I was carrying the sleeping baby in my hands as I search for an exit since the exit was blocked. That's when I heard a cracking sound...

∆Crack crack ∆

My eyes slowly stare at the ceiling, it was going to crack. I bit my lips as I squint my eyes signing that I was scared. Then it crumbled down upon us but...

[Are you an idiot? You set a barrier...] -Aqua

As what Aqua telepathically said to me , I could only laugh nervously as the bricks from the ceiling avoided us and slides to the side. 'I really am an idiot...' I thought as I mentally slapped my head.

I then went to search for an exit as the fire seems like slowly to rise. I then found a room that didn't got burnt by the fire as I land and make my wings dissapear. I walked to the room as I found a hole. Curious I went in careful with the baby's head. I crawl , crawl and crawl when I saw light at the end.

I have reached to the end as I stood up to see that I was in a garden full of colourful roses. I then look back to see that exit was already on fire as I cast water magic to put it out. Then the baby in my eyes cried loudly making me jump a bit. I cooed as Aqua come out from the igsinia as I covered the cying baby eyes for protection from the blue light.

He then look at me while I cooed and hush the baby.

[I'm going to put out the fire inside the castle.] -Aqua

He informed to me as I nod while cooing the baby. My jaw dropped when I saw him flying while shooting some water balls at the castle. H-he can fly?!

My train of thoughts were stop when I heard a loud cry from the baby as I hush him. That's when..

Sniff sniff

I sniff the awful smell that was coming from the baby. My eyes widen and smiled knowing why he was crying loudly. It must feel uncomfortable. That's why his crying.

I then layed him on the ground as I took of his pants and took of his dirty diaper that I rolled and put it in a plastic bag. I then wiped his bottom with wet wipes that I created with creation magic and also created another diaper using creation magic as I put it on the baby who was now laughing joyfully.

I then carried him as he kept playing with my braid almost messing it up. I couldn't scold him since he was still young and could only speak gibberish words. Then Aqua appear in front of me , panting heavily as beads of sweats covered his body.
I then look at the castle it was fixed and the fire was put out.
I smile softly as I look at him amaze.

[You did a good job Aqua!] -Ange

He only nods and went into the insignia to rest as he feed on my mana pool. I then went to the entrance to see the king and queen running towards me. I held them the blue bundel where the baby is.

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