❇ Chapter 31 ❇

715 31 1

I apologize because this chapter took so long to publish and please forgive me.

Song: Pinocchio (Danger)
By: f(x)

Ange's P.O.V;

Continue on where we last off...

I woke up by the blazing sun on my skin as I did my routine stretches. I stood up from my sitting posture as I search for a river to bathe in. My eyes light up when I spot one nearby, a waterfall as a bonus.

I flew down as I wished for my wings to disappear as I took off my dress and dip in. Immediately I let out a relaxing sigh while dipping deeper until my hair is soaked. With creation magic, I created a soap as I wash my body with it while humming.

After the nice relaxing bath, I then dry my hair by squeezing the water out as for my body,y off by itself. I then created a white strapless dress as I wore it and comb my hair with a brush that I created. It's only in the morning and I have wasted much mana... I thought as my lips formed a thin line thinking that maybe I'll try to save it.

Since my three companions are still asleep in their insignia, I decided to continue my journey by walking, it's only a few feet away and I'll be exercising at the same time. I walked on the dirt ground as trees shield me from the sun that's peeking out from the leaves.

'It's a pity that there's no forest like this...' I thought sadly as I remembered many trees getting cut off for buildings or construction. I went to touch a nearby bush that's full of many wildflowers that didn't exist on the earth. Its petals remind me of a jellyfish under the sea as it glows light blue while opening and closing as if it's moving. ' I mean it is alive.' I thought as if another head grew without me noticing.

I quickly walk off after seeing a hummingbird drinking nectar from the flower. Being me that respect other beings privacy, left for the bird to enjoy its feast. I enjoyed the humid atmosphere of the forest as I slowly walked until I reach the elf village.

The chirping of the birds greeted me as they fly freely around. Tall and thickest trees greeted me as a house made of wood were decorated on the branches. Comparing to other villages where their houses were on the ground or the mountains.

I venture a bit around the tents where merchants are selling stuff with loud shouting feeding true or untrue stuff to the town folks about what their selling. A certain shop catches my attention as I went there. With violet and white striped tent, a table with many kinds of bottles was placed, a grumpy looking elf grandpa was sitting quietly on his chair.

I wonder if he woke up on the wrong side of the bed... I thought quietly as I shrank below his stoic gaze daring me to come closer. I was five meters away from the table as I checked the bottle with my blue eyes. The bottles were bottles of potions as a paper stick on the bottle with runes letters written on the paper. Thankfully I, being an otaku in my past life have studied the letters when I was my teenage years.

The runes were written in Elder Futhark the most ancient Germanic runic alphabet that was in use from the 2nd to 8th centuries by all Germanic tribes.
I read the first bottle in front of me with me translating it at the same time. -Healing potion- 'Do I need it? Well, I do have light magic. So what's the use.' I thought while remembering my attributes. I then rummage searching for another useful potion.

-How about MP revive Potion? It's useful since mana takes long to heal-

I heard Aqua told me using telepathy magic. I agreed with him and begin my search for the potion, at last, I didn't find it making me confuse. I went to the tent's clerk whose face is sour like a lemon. 'Yeesh, no wonder there's no one at his shop. With that face, you could even scare off a bull!' I thought while I gave him a wryly smile.

[What do you want, kid?]-Clerk

'Forgot about the first impression. He's the worst!' I thought shouted while I kept my calm smile. My hands gripped into a fist letting all my frustration on my hand.

[Do you have any MP revive potion?]-Ange

I ask politely with a small smile. My eyes twitched when he snorted and got up in front of me. 'This height difference is a nuisance...' I thought as I tilt my head upwards to see his eyes looking down at me with a sneer.

[Why~does this brat needs it that desperately. Your mana must be that low! Hahahaha!!]-Clerk

He taunted and laugh loudly at the end. My head gave a slight tilt as my eyes turned cold. I gave a glare and a cold smirk.

[You dare to challenge me...]-Ange

I tort back while I made a barrier around us. I ignore Aqua's warning and release my aura making the clerk drop down to his knees, his body damp in sweat. 'Heh, this is only half of my power...' I thought while I sneer down at him.

[I'll accept that challenge but in return give me what I want.]

To be continued...

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That's all as you wait for the next chapter ~


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