❇Chap 27❇

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Sadly not a fan but I picked it randomly and may I introduce you...


By:  SHINee

Rui: Hello?

Enjoy the chapter ~

Ange's P.O.V;

Continue on where we last off...

it's been four hours since I've left the Mahou Village and now setting of to {Kūrø Fōrēst} so that we'll get to the next destination. Now some of you might be asking

Why don't I just fly pass  the forest and just went to the destination?

Well my dear readers here is the answer. I then pulled an imaginary board as I scribbled some words.


{Kurø Fōrest} : Kuro forest or known as -Black forest- is a forest where magic is disabled once you enter it. It stated that those species with any magical parts on it's body will be removed and the person has to walk.

Rumors said that none species had ever exit the forest without an injury moreover the un-lucky who died there. Sadly the corpse will be sucked in by the ground of the forest. The species magical powers will be sented to the beast of the forest.


With the short explanation done , the words on the board slowly dissapear same goes with the board as I focus on reality. I saw balck clouds from above meaning that below it is the -Black forest-  I then flew down as I wished for my wings to dissapear.

What greeted me was many Warning signs in front of the forest. Looking around I notice that no village or people lived nearby here. I wonder why...

[There's also rumors saying there's a witch that'll curse you or take your beauty .] -Aqua

I only nod mentally hiding that I was suprise by Aqua's sudden intrusion. I proceed to continue walking and stepping inside the forest. Immediately I felt my mana was locked same goes with Aqua.

I then kept in walking ignoring the eyes that's burning behind my back. The walking then turned into running after hearing a rustle and a pair of red eyes. I kept stepping on twigs and leaves that created sounds and attract other beast.

I then stopped myself from running as I held my knees and pant greedily breathing some air . I then stood straight as I took a breathing. Looking back at my steps nothing followed me back as I sigh in relief but I noticed there was something off.

I kept staring at the tree that looked familiar to me...
Wait didn't I ... Don't tell me.

[You've been running in circles.] -Aqua

Aqua said in my head making me thinking that how does telepathy still work in here since it's one of the ability in the list right? I then ignored the thought as I continue to walk calmly. I kept walking but I still kept seeing the same tree.

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