Chapter 2

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"Sorry about him, he can be a jerk sometimes. So, what's your name? Mine's Aria, but you probably already know that," The girl told me as the teacher started talking about some 'Spirit Week', whatever that is. This school is weird... I thought to myself. When Aria asked for my name, my mind went back to my old school, where everyone made fun of my name and gave me stupid nicknames, like the 'Red King Pine Tree' one. I didn't want the same thing to happen at this school, even though it seemed unlikely. Even if Aria seemed nice, I didn't want it to happen again, or turn on me like someone did.

"I'd... rather not say." I mumbled, feeling stupid. Like, who would refuse to say their name over something stupid? Though Aria didn't question it. Instead, she focused on the teacher. I let out a small sigh of relief and did the same.

"So, for Spirit Week next week, on Monday it's 'Girls Wear Pink and Boys Wear Blue' day," she told the class, glancing at me. It was embarrassing, considering I was the only boy wearing a pink shirt. "Next Tuesday is 'Pride Day', meaning wear everything rainbow!" She giggled, and continued to talk about the things we need to wear on the other three days, but I wasn't listening. Pride Day!? Yes! I could show off all my cute pride pins for my jacket and hats! Though I did hear some kids groan when she mentioned Pride Day... A kid raised his hand, and the teacher sighed. "What is it, Billy?" She asked.

"Pride is stupid! It's just a bunch of freaks who don't know who they are! Why do we need to celebrate it!?" Kids cheered when he said this, and I saw Aria's eyebrows furrow. She was obviously mad, though she didn't do anything. I was mad as well. How dare he say that about Pride!? My hands curled into fists, but Aria put a hand on my arm.

"Don't. It's not worth it." I sighed but nodded, my hands relaxing.

"Billy, Pride Day is about celebrating differences. And we don't call anyone freaks. Got it?" The teacher scolded, but Billy just huffed.

"It's just a day for stupid people who like stupid things!" I had to remind myself not to do anything I would regret later. "New school, new me. No more getting into fights with homophobic kids," I whispered to myself repeatedly. I just listened to some kids in my homeroom class be homophobic until class ended.  

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