Chapter 51

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Couple days later, and I was let out of the hospital. It was now Friday, September 6th. Braedon wasn't visiting me as much, since school had just started for him. So, I just walked myself home. Yes, it was an hour walk, but I didn't care. I didn't want to call anyone to pick me up.

I arrived at my house, praying no one was home. I was right - well, technically. Mom was out partying as usual, and Dad was sitting in his room, probably having another mental breakdown.


I walked to the kitchen and groaned when I saw my bananas were gone.

I wonder if Lori made banana bread...

I made a mental note to take a quick stop at the store as I looked through the kitchen for any snacks.

Nope, just dinner foods... Did Dad actually go shopping? Good for him, I guess. Actually getting out of the house.

I looked at my phone again. For no reason. That's a lie. I've been waiting for Braedon to get out of school so I could come over.

I decided to make dinner for myself - even though it was only 1 pm. I needed something, and it's all we had. As I was cooking 'dinner' - more like lunch than anything - my dad came out of his room. I was shocked, really. But I didn't let it show. I kept cooking as my dad came over.

"Hey, kiddo... can we talk? Please?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, sure. What about?"

"Monday, was it? Or Sunday?" He mused, thinking.

"Oh, so when you were picking favorites?" I asked sarcastically, then bit my lip. "Sorry, dad."

"It's okay, kiddo, and yeah, about that... Listen, I wasn't trying to pick favorites. I hope you know that. I just was so worried about your sister, that I just... forgot, you were gone. Please, son, forgive me. I'll have you know your sister and I were worried sick about you. It might sound a little silly, but I came out of my room every day, hoping and praying you'd be back. So please, kiddo, forgive me?" He explained, and I felt myself tear up. I honestly didn't know he cared that much about me.

"Oh, dad... of course I forgive you. I'm sorry for storming out like that, it's just... y'know, I never really had you or mom in my life... and hearing you thinking of Lori and not me, just... hurt. A lot. I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly..." He hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Where did you go after leaving? I saw you didn't come back," he asked, and I tensed.

"Well, I... You won't be mad if I say I'm dating someone, right?" He sighed and shook his head.

"No, son, I wouldn't be mad. You went to your girlfriend's house, then?" I bit my lip, wanting to say yes, and no. I wanted to say yes and lie, but that wouldn't end up well, so I...

"Not exactly."

"You're dating a guy!?" He exclaimed, and I flinched.

"I..." I exhaled, getting the confidence I needed before continuing, "Yes, dad, I am dating a guy."

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