Chapter 10

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I saw Braedon, and I waved, but he didn't wave back. He was talking to someone else, but I didn’t let it bother me. Instead, I sat down at the table. Soon after, Arrow joined me.

“Hey, dude,” they said and punched my arm playfully. I laughed softly and did it back, which to my surprise, got a soft smile out of them. Even since I just met them, they didn't smile. I guess I just assumed they didn't smile just in general, so I’m glad they did. Just then, Aria sat down across from me, and Braedon followed.

“So, anything fun happen?” I asked, but Braedon didn't answer. Instead, Aria sighed.

“Ryan kept flirting with me in math.” Arrow laughed. It looked and sounded fake.

“Sounds like he likes you~” They said playfully, and Aria glared at them.
“What are they doing here?” She asked coldly.

“Ari, they're my friend.”

“Why?” I looked a little shocked. “Y’know what, nevermind. I’ll just find a different table,” she just got up and left. I wanted to stop her but I didn't know what to say.
“Ari!” Braedon called, getting up and chasing after her, leaving Arrow and I alone.

“Great.” I sighed, turning to them, who just smiled.

“Good. Now she won't bother us.” They scoffed.

“What did she do to you!?” I exclaimed and stood up, and I was about to follow Braedon and Aria, who sat at another table. I sighed, not wanting to seem annoying, so I sat back at the table with Arrow.

“So, why do you dislike Aria so much?” I asked as we were dismissed to get lunch.
“She bullies Emi.”

“Who?” They sighed as we made our way through the lunch line.

“Emi Robin. Glasses, wavy brown hair, wears glasses, braces and Hello Kitty outfits all the time??” I shook my head.

“Never heard of her.” They pointed to someone, and I looked in that direction. It was a girl, with long, wavy brown hair and bleached gray-blonde bangs. Plus a Hello Kitty along with a matching headband.
“That’s her?” I asked, and they nodded. “Never saw Aria as the bully type…” I said and I grabbed my tray, as well as my utensils.

“Well, she doesn't exactly do it.” I gave them a confused look, which made them sigh softly. “I’ll tell you at the table,” they told me and they walked off, probably getting food. I did the same thing until it was time to pay.

“How much is it?” I asked the lunch lady, who just replied, “$3.”

I nodded and pulled out 3 singles from my pocket, handing them to her. She then took them from me and dismissed me. I walked back to the table and Arrow met me there.

“‘Kay, so ‘bout Aria,” they said and sighed. “If you didn't know already, Aria Anderson is friends with a lot of popular girls. Some of them bully Emi. Aria is always there when they bully her, and yet, she doesn't do anything about it.” They told me, and I thought for a moment.

“Do you know why she doesn't do anything?” I asked them.

“Well, at first I just thought she was evil. But now I know it’s because she’s been blackmailed by her friends.” I gasped, before taking a bite of my food. I chewed, then swallowed before talking again.
“What was she being blackmailed for?” I regret asking…

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