Chapter 29

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"Do you wanna walk together!?" I shrugged.

"Sure, why not. But, I also walk to school with some friends, if that's okay with you." He nodded, and we kept walking.

"So, who are we meeting up with?" He asked me happily. "Just some friends of mine. Braedon, Arrow, Ari-"

"Aria!?" He exclaimed. "As in Aria Anderson, the popular girl at Hawksigh High?" I nodded along, slightly confused on why he's acting like this.

"Yeah, Aria and I are friends... Why are you so excited though?" He just giggled, but soon calmed down after a few seconds.

"Sorry, sorry. I just get really excited sometimes, y'know?" I wouldn't know... "Anyways! So, my sweet Aria will be there, as well as a Braedon and an Arrow? Do they even go to our school?" He asked, and it almost sounded, well, rude.

Rude much...? I scoffed silently but nodded.

"Okay!" He squealed and skipped ahead, giggling and whispering to himself. I shrugged it off, walking behind him.

He's... interesting. A little much, but interesting. Maybe he's like me, y'know? On the... never mind.


We finally made it to the others, and I let out a soft sigh of relief.

I'm so glad I don't have to listen to this kid for any longer... he's a nice person, just, very talkative... and I honestly can't deal with that, it just makes me overwhelmed.

Isaiah ran to Aria with his arms open and giggling. "Ari!" She chuckled and picked him up, letting his limbs wrap around her.

"Hey, Izi! How are ya doing, my sweet boy?" She asked.

"I'm okay!" He giggled again, and she set him back on his feet.

"Let's go then, alright?" He nodded and we all started walking again. Aria and Isaiah ran ahead, giggling with each other as Braedon walked by me and Arrow walked alone, on their phone. It looked like they were texting someone.

"Are Aria and Isaiah dating?" I asked Braedon as we followed them.

"Yep. They've been dating for almost 2 years now, when school started last year, the first year of high school for Aria," he told me.

"On a different note-" I got cut off as we made it to the school, and the bell rang, indicating school had started. "Never mind, I'll tell you later."

We walked silently into the school and we split up with the others, each of us going separate ways. Braedon and I went to his locker, then the others went to their homerooms and/or lockers.. After he unlocked it and put his backpack in it, we walked to my locker together. I then put my backpack away, and we went to our homerooms.

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