Chapter 14

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(sorry for not posting yesterday, family stuff happened)

I kept walking as I took out my earbuds and put them in my ears. I then connected them to my phone as I turned left down Woodway Dr. and kept walking. Just then, Pray by Jessie Murph came up. Wow… This playlist really listens to me… I thought to myself as I kept walking, humming along to the song.

“Waking up but wishing you don’t~ is something that I pray you’ll never know~” she sang in the song. I hummed along as well. I sometimes think the same thing about Mika… it’s a possibility because of how much alcohol she drinks… but Lori still loves her, even after everything she did to Dad, Lori still forgives her. If I know anything about Lorelei Pines, it’s that even though she seems and acts tough and whatnot, she’s actually very sensitive. I smiled to myself, thinking about Lorelei and humming to my songs. Soon, I arrived at my house. Lorelei was sitting on the porch on her phone.

“Lori, I’m home!” I called. She looked up, then sat her phone down and ran to me.
“Rory!” She squealed, and I picked her up, spinning her as well.

“Miss me, princess?”

“Too much.” I smiled as she clung onto me, arms wrapped around my neck and legs wrapped around my waist.

“Was Dad out of his room today?” I asked, and she shook her head.

“Nope… so I had yet another boring day…” She sighed and rested her head on mine.

“It’s funny how Dad offered to homeschool you, then just doesn't do it,” I said and she nodded.

“Yeah.” I walked inside, still holding Lorelei.

“Rory?” She asked as I set my backpack down.


“Are people at your school… nice, or at least okay?”

“They’re okay. Why do you want to know?” I pondered.

“I was wondering… maybe instead of being homeschooled-but-not-actually-homeschooled, I could join your school?” I sighed softly
“Lori, I love you,” I whispered and kissed her forehead, “but my school is, well… let’s just say you wouldn’t like it there.” I told her, but she just huffed.

“But I thought you said the people at your school are okay!” I sighed and set her down on the couch, before walking to the kitchen for a little snack.

“There are some people there, that, well, y’know…” Her eyes widened.

“You’re saying that a guy might, y’know, hurt me?” I sighed.

“They’d bully you, not exactly hurt you. He’s in the past. You don’t need to worry about him or anyone else like him, okay?” I told her as I grabbed a banana and opened it from the bottom.

“I guess you’re right,” she said as I took a bite out of my banana.

“I’m always right,” I told her after I finished chewing.

“Not always~!” She said with a giggle.




“Alright, alright! You win! You're always right!” She squealed as she flopped onto the couch. Then I quickly finished my banana and threw away the peel.

“I’m going to work on my drawing in my room. If you need anything, just holler or come in and ask me, okay?”

“Okay.” She responded and I walked back over to her.

“Love you,” I whispered and kissed her forehead.

“Love you more.” She said back, and I smiled. I then walked to my room and put my backpack on my bed, taking my drawing out of my folder. I took a good look at it before sighing. If I actually want this thing to look good, I need to redo this on a canvas. I then walked over to my art corner, with my large canvas and paints. I grabbed some charcoal pencils, an eraser, and got straight to work.

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