Chapter 7

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I finally decided to draw Aria, Braedon and I, though I didn’t have a scene. I thought for a moment, before thinking about my old school. They had cherry trees in the back, which I always sat by and ate with my friend, before he betrayed me…

I buried the thought into the back of my mind as I briefly sketched out some cherry trees for the background.
Next, I started sketching Braedon’s body shape. I imagined him sitting on one of the branches, munching on a snack as he calls down to Aria and I, who are sitting by the trunk.

I just started drawing the body shapes as I felt something tap my shoulder. “What are you doing?” Braedon asked as he looked over my shoulder. “Wow!” He squeaked as he got a good look at the drawing.

“I haven’t started the details, I’m just getting the sketching done. But, what do you think? Do you like it?”

He nodded eagerly. “Yes! It’s us!” I smiled softly.

“Yeah, it is. Aria, you and I.”

“The trees are gonna be beautiful!” He mused, and my face slightly flushed.

“Like you…” I whispered, not loud enough for him to hear of course.

“Did you say something?” He asked, looking up from the sketch. I shook my head, too embarrassed to say what I said any louder. He nodded and kept looking at the sketch in my hands.
After another moment, he handed it back to me, before grabbing his book again and continuing to read. I continued to sketch out the body shapes, and a little more of the background. I was about to start sketching the faces, before the bell rang.

“Heck…” I mumbled under my breath as Braedon started packing up.

“You okay?” He asked and I nodded.

“I just haven’t started drawing facial details… and I was looking forward to it.” I told him as I put my drawing away and packed up.

“I’ll see you at lunch, 'kay?”

“Mhm. Bye!” I called as I walked out of Math, heading to Art.

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