Chapter 9

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On the way there, people looked at me in disgust and whatnot, but I didn't care. I felt like I was on top of the world. I made 3 friends today, and it wasn't even the middle of the day!

I hummed Queen of Kings by Alessandra to myself as I happily skipped to study hall.
Upon reaching Study Hall, I saw Billy and his little group of friends. I glared at them, and they just laughed among each other.

I sat at the only available seat, which unfortunately, was by Billy and his friends. I opened my earbud case and took them out, putting them in my ears to drown out everything and everyone.

The first song that came up was Always Been You by Jessie Murph. I love her songs because most of them represent my life. “‘cause in my head, it’s always been you~” came up and I immediately thought of Braedon. He’s the only thing that's been on my mind today. Am I… in love? No… I can’t…

A few more songs came up, and I hummed most of them to myself, before I got an ad about a dating app, and I felt embarrassed. Music Note, stop trying to tell me something…

I waited for the ad to be over, before it finally was. That was like a fking 1 minute long ad about a DATING APP! I grumbled something under my breath and continued listening to music.

Just then, BOYTOY by Halle Abadi came up. Dang it, I love this song. I grabbed out my drawing again and kept sketching the cherry trees in the background. After I finished,

I put a little more detail into the body shapes of Aria, Braedon and I. Finally, after around 20 minutes, I finished both those steps.

Before I could start drawing the clothes, I felt someone throw something at me. When I looked over, I wasn’t surprised nor amused. When they laughed, I just rolled my eyes.

When they tried to get my attention, I just ignored them. I have dealt with a lot of bullies in my life, and I've learned one thing: they’re just trying to get a reaction out of you. The best thing to do is ignore them. Soon, they’ll leave you alone. Which is what they did.

After endless minutes of paper footballs being thrown at me, they stopped. They just talked among themselves, leaving me alone. I listened to my songs until the bell rang. When it did, I packed up and walked to lunch.

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