Chapter 42

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I lay down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, Braedon on my mind the entire time. All I could think about was how much I missed him in these past few days, and yet he was ripped out of my arms so quickly. I miss him already, and it's only been a couple hours... though I pray he's being taken care of. I pray. I sat up as the door opened, and Junpei walked in.

"You doing okay, kiddo?" They asked, and I nodded, shivering every so slightly. "Kiddo, you're cold... just ask for a blanket, okay?" I sighed softly but murmured, "Can I please have a blanket?" They nodded and walked out of the room to grab one for me, and I bit my lip.

The door, it's... wide open. I could bolt and take Brae, then run with him. Run away from this awful place where he's tortured and I'm locked up like a damsel in distress. I am NOT a damsel, for fluff's sake!

They returned a couple minutes later with a skimpy looking blanket.

"It's all they had... hope it works," they admitted and lied it on me, covering my entire body at least.

"It's better than no blanket... thank you, Junpei... I appreciate you. Really. You might be the only thing that's keeping me from going insane," I murmured, and they cracked a small smile - though it was small, it was still there.

"I'm glad, I truly am." They pressed a gentle, almost motherly kiss to my forehead before walking to the doorway and dimming the lights.

"Junpei?" I called, and they paused, turning back around.

"Yes, kiddo?"

"Can I call you Juni?" They smiled, a full smile.

"Yes, Rory, you can call me Juni. Can I call you Riri?" I nodded.

"I like that... Riri." They chuckled.

"Well then, goodnight Riri. Get some good sleep for me, okay?" I nodded.



I woke up the next day to shaking, as usual. Juni always shakes me awake to prepare myself for the awful day, except... It wasn't Juni. It was my boyfriend, Braedon.

"Brae, what are you-"

"No time to explain!" He hurriedly whispered, pulling me out of bed and down the hall.

"Braedon!" I whispered back angrily as we snuck through the halls, all silent. No sound whatsoever, not even soft breaths. Nothing. "We shouldn't be doing this!" He kept his hand around my wrist, dragging me along with him through every twisty and turny hallway.

Finally, we stopped at one point to catch our breath, and I had a moment to scold Braedon. I grabbed his shoulder and shook him - as he did to me prior - and whisper-yelled, "Are you crazy!? We're not supposed to run! What are you trying to do!?" He just pointed behind me. I looked over my shoulder but saw nothing. "What-"

"Rory, y'know I love you, right?"

"Of course I do!" I exclaimed, not understanding where he was going.

"Look around. What do you see?" I looked around. Nothing. No people, no sounds, no color, nothing. Everything was empty.

"I see nothing...?" I asked, confused.

"Exactly. Rory, there's no one here." He said it like it was new to me.

"I see that, babe. What does that have to do with anything?" Then, it hit me. My eyes widened with realization of what he meant. "There's no one here as in this building...?" He nodded.

"We can escape now, babe. Leave this god-awful place and go home. Home, Rory. Do you even remember what that-"

"Of course I do! I've only been here a few days!"

"And yet you succumbed to the tricks. The lies they feed you."

"B, this... doesn't sound like you..." He sighed softly and embraced me tightly, pressing his lips to my neck.

"I'm so worried about you... you see, this place isn't an actual mental hospital. It's a trap. I don't know what you did, Rors, but you fell into this trap... and so did the men here."

"And Junpei."

"And Junpei," he agreed, and I cringed.

"Earlier, they said something along the lines of, 'I think I am going crazy myself, being here for so long...'" I murmured softly, thinking back on it.

"Did you ask how long they've been here?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Well, I'm afraid we can't-"

"We have to save them!"

"Rory, we can't go back for them in your mental state..." He whispered, caressing my face sweetly.

"We have to try. It can't be that bad, can it?" It can. Oh hell, it can be that bad.

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