Chapter 37

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A/N: Happy New Years! Also I'm trying to be better about my posting, sorry ^^

"Lori!" I screamed as the call ended. I threw my coat back on, grabbed my dad's keys as I ran outside, all while tracking the call. My dad taught me how to do this at a very young age, 'in case anyone is hurt and they need your help'. Maybe... did he know this would happen?

I shook the thought away as I jumped into the car and desperately tried to get the car started. Damn this car! When was the last time it was even used?

As I got the car to finally start, I finally tracked the location on the phone - but a sketchy one, at that. I sighed and hoped that Lorelei was okay, before putting the location in my GPS.

Lori, you better not leave me like Braedon might...

I sniffled, holding back tears as I kept driving, a few miles over the speed limit. I needed to get to her as soon as possible. I tried to call the number back, but no one picked up. Damnit, PineCone, please be okay... I kept driving, thinking and hoping to get there soon.

I tried to play something to lighten my mood - even if that something was Dad's weird country music - but it didn't really work. It was just background noise so I wouldn't worry my little head off - as Lorelei would always tell me whenever I fretted over her. Gosh, I'm thinking about her! Which isn't the worst thing...

I let myself get lost in our memories - well also following the GPS and paying attention to the road, of course.

Soon, I came upon a creepy looking shack type house. Gosh, this looks so much creepier than on the GPS... Lori, I'm only doing this for you. I turned the engine off and stepped out of the car. I soon cringed as I heard the loud 'snap' noise I made when stepping on a twig. As I walked inside the house, I realized just how horrific the scenario was...

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