Chapter 19

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After we met up with Braedon, Aria departed to go to math. We walked to ELA in silence (though it was like a comfortable silence). Though… nevermind. We made it to ELA and I followed him to our spot in the back. We sat down and talked. Well, mainly he talked, and I listened.

Well, not really. I mainly just stared at him dreamily.

Over the past few days, I’ve been falling into the dark and deep home of love. To be fair, I never fell in love with someone. Actually, I take that back. I fell in love once. With a girl, actually. She was the most popular girl in school, and I was, well, a nobody. A nerd, a freak. I had THE ABSOLUTE BIGGEST crush on her for a long time. Keep in mind, this was in my old middle school. Anyways, I gave her a cheesy love letter for her, and she ripped it apart. In front. Of me. It broke my heart and I ran off. Sobbing. I bawled my eyes out for days.
I turned into my dad and hid in my room for days. No one, even Lorelei could get me out of my room. But, thankfully, now I’m over that girl, and now I’m into Braedon. Braedon… who’s Braedon..? He sounds familiar… Never mind.

“Rory, you okay?” Braedon asked me worriedly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” I told him, who just looked at me with a worried face.

“You sure? You looked so out of it…” He mumbled as the bell rang, muffling most of his words.

“Alright class, today we will be starting a new unit.” Our teacher, Mrs. Martin told us, and the whole class groaned in response. Our last unit was fun, for me and Braedon at least. We learned a lot about Pride, and we got to partner read each day.

“Today, we will be starting a discussion unit!” Kids groaned again as Mrs. Martin started explaining what we would be learning about during the unit. I tried to pay attention and listen, but I couldn’t. I just couldn't. I see her mouth moving, but no words came out. I see her pointing and writing things on the board, but I can’t read any of it. It just looks like scribbles, the air starts to get heavier and…

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