Chapter 6

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(this is for yesterday, I missed it because it was my birthday!)

After ELA, Braedon and I passed Aria on the way to Math. It turned out that Braedon and I have an almost identical schedule, the only thing that was different being that he has Choir and French when I have Art and Study Hall. Anyways, while we walked to Math, he stayed close to me as I glared at everyone who whispered about us and looked at Braedon in disgust.

“Thanks,” he whispered.

“No problem.” We walked into the math room and sat in the back, again. Not that. I was complaining, though. I always did the same thing at my last school - sitting in the back of the class all the time. Just then, the minute bell rang, and more kids walked into the classroom. One of them being Ryan.

I glared at him as he walked in with girls flocking him. He just smirked back. He then took a seat close to Braedon, as the girls took their own seats away from Ryan. Braedon looked visibly uncomfortable, but he didn’t say nor do anything about it.

“Wanna switch seats?” I asked him, who just shook his head as he gripped the bottom of the .

“I’ve dealt with worse before. I’ll live.” I sighed at how stubborn he was being.

“Brae,” I said firmly, using a nickname I made for him off the top of my head, “that’s not what I asked. I understand you’ve dealt with worse. Do you want to keep dealing with him?” He hesitated, before finally shaking his head. “Exactly. Now, do you want to switch seats?” I asked again, and he sighed.

“Fine…” he mumbled but had a small smile on his face. His smile looked like the one I imagined, but better. I need to see that adorable hecking smile more.

We then switched seats, and Ryan moved a few seats down, much to my surprise and pleasure.

Just then, the bell finally rang. “Alright class, today is just a review day for our test tomorrow on volume of cones and spheres.” The class groaned.

“A test!?” One kid whined.

“Ugh!” Another student complained.

“I know, I know,” the teacher reassured. “But it’ll be okay. If you know what you’re doing, it’ll be fine. Now, I posted the Classkick. Open it and start working.” Everyone turned on their Chromebooks, opened the Classkick assignment and started working on it.

I sighed. “Hey, Braedon,” I said softly as I turned to him. “Can we share again?”

“Did you forget it again?”

“Not exactly…” I mumbled and sighed. He tilted his head slightly in confusion.
“What do you mean, not exactly?”

“Well…” I hesitated.

“If you don’t want to tell me, that's fine,” he told me, and I smiled softly.

“Thanks,” I stated.

“No problem. Now let’s get working.” I nodded and watched as he turned on his Chromebook, opened the Classkick assignment and started working on the first question.

“So, can you explain this to me?” I asked, and he did just that, walking me through the process of finding the volume of a cone. After a while, I got used to it and we went through them together. We soon finished the assignment, as I did the last one.

“Finally!” He exclaimed, turning off his Chromebook and putting it away.
“Yeah, we finally finished.” I mused as he took out a book, opened it and started reading it. I felt bored, so I did what I loved doing best - drawing. I then grabbed a blank piece of paper, one of Braedon’s extra pencils -don’t worry I asked-, and started to think of what to draw.

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