Chapter 15

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As I was finishing up the sketch, I heard a knock at my door

“Come in, Lori.” She opened up the door, her face stained with tears. “C’mere, Lors.” I put my items down on my dresser and opened my arms. She collapsed into my arms, whimpering. “Are you hungry?” I asked and she nodded. I tried to get up but she wouldn’t let me. “Do you not want food?”

“Not now. Right now, I just want cuddles.” She told me. I smiled and held her for a while.

“Could you maybe tell me why you were crying earlier?” I asked, but she just yawned.

“No reason…” She buried her head into my chest.

“Want me to make some food quickly, then you can sit there and watch me work for a while?” She nodded.

“Okay…” She reluctantly got off and I walked to the kitchen with her.

“Grilled cheese work?” I asked.

“Mhm.” I started making some grilled cheeses, a few for Lorelei and one for me. After I finished, she hopped off the countertop, and we walked back to my room. I get my corner ready for her, including my giant beanbag chair and blankets. Once I finished, I helped Lorelei lay down and I tucked her in. I then set the plate of grilled cheese next to her.

“Need anything else?” I asked.

“Heating pad, please.” I nodded and walked to the bathroom to get the heating pad.
“Lori, where would it be?” I called.
“2nd drawer to your left,” she called back. I followed her instructions, but couldn't find anything.

“Lori, it’s not in here!” I heard her sigh, then some shuffling, before she walked into the bathroom. “Lori, you don't need to-” I was cut off when she pulled something out of the drawer. Her heating pad. “Lori, I-”

“Rory, it was right in front of your face. I love you, but my God…” She trailed off as she popped the thing in the heating pad, making it crystallize.

“Sorry…” I muttered, my cheeks feeling rosy.

“It’s okay, I still love you,” she said before kissing my cheek.

“Love you too. Let’s go back.” She nodded and I took hold of her hand, leading her back to my room. She got snuggled under the blankets again, and I made sure she was comfy. “Do you need anything else, Lori?” I asked, but she shook her head.

“No, I’m good.”

“Alright.” I grabbed my paints, paintbrushes, and quickly filled up my water cup. I started picking out colors. I picked out pinks, greens, blues, and some browns for the background. I picked out some of my best paintbrushes and got to work.

I started brushing some blues and pinks onto the top of the canvas. After about 10 minutes, I finished the sky and ground, finishing it off with shading. I kept going step-by-step, until I finally finished the painting. I stepped back and admired my work.

“Whatcha think?”” I asked Lori. No response. “Lori?” I turned around to find her asleep, curled up in a ball of blankets. Oh Lors… I smiled as I watched her for a bit. She looks so peaceful, before they happen… I put the empty plate of grilled cheese away -yes, she even ate mine, that little rat. I then grabbed a string cheese and started eating it as I got ready for bed.

I finished my string cheese quickly before I brushed my teeth. After I finished, I made sure to check if Lorelei was comfortable, before I laid in bed.

I stared up at the ceiling for a bit, before sighing and grabbing my book from my nightstand. I don’t have Braedon’s phone number, or even a phone for myself, but now is the time I wish I did… I opened up to the page I bookmarked and kept reading. Fire and ice, water and air, blah blah blah… I sighed.

“Weird quote, but okay…” I kept reading, bored. My mind kept somehow relating this book back to Braedon. His pretty face, soft hair and cute body… heck, I think I'm falling in love…

I shook the thought away as I kept reading, humming to myself.

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