Chapter 48

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When I woke up, I was surprised, to say the least. I totally forgotten where I was, or who I was with - almost like a one night stand. Thankfully, it wasn't. I just got a small cold, so nothing too serious to be worried about. But, as I was trying to slip out of bed and back home, Braedon stirred.

"Rory?" He murmured, sleep etched into his voice. *God, his voice sounds deeper...*

"Yeah, hon?" I said, playing it nonchalantly.

"Are you trying to leave?" He asked, and I sucked in a breath.

"I was supposed to... my dad's probably worried..." I lied, and he noticed but didn't say anything.

"You can't stay just for a little longer?" I shook my head.

"Can't, bubs. I'm sorry..." I admitted, and he lied back down.

"Alright, hun... I'll believe you..." I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you, Rory... " I walked out, still wishing I could stay. Benji would be pissed at me if I didn't go back. I started walking back, listening to music. I just listened as I walked, not caring about anything at that point.

I made it home, and my mom was sitting on the couch, holding her bottle. Her alcohol bottle.

"Hey, mom..." I chuckled nervously.

"Hello, my child." She stared at her bottle, twisting it through her nimble fingers.

"Why are you home, mom? Aren't you supposed to be out with friends?" I asked, and her gaze went from her bottle to me, her eyes narrowing.

"Excuse me, child? I can spend time with my kids now, can't i?" She said that like I offended her.

"Mom, I didn't-" She threw the bottle at me, and I ducked, just barely missing the bottle as it flew over my head, smashing into the wall behind me. I tensed as the glass hit my back, slicing into my skin. I winced, but stayed still. *I was shocked to say the least. I mean, obviously I was. My own mom threw a glass bottle at me! Yes, she isn't the best mom ever, but still... she's my mom. I care about her. Didn't think she thought otherwise...*

I was blinded by rage and shock that I bolted out of the house for the second time in two days.

I didn't want to go back to Braedon, because I felt bad... but then again, his house was better than mine...

I decided not to go back. Instead, I started walking on the sidewalks, having nothing else to do. I thought I still had school, but decided against it, considering Braedon wasn't at school. Well... I checked the date. Monday, September 2nd. Labor Day for us Americans.

So, we don't have any school. I sighed softly. Tomorrow is when school starts, but I don't have a schedule. I checked my phone. No emails, no text, nothing. Guess they didn't bother to send a clarified-dead-guy-by-the-police his schedule. And yes, I was clarified dead. That's why they stopped looking for me, apparently. They hadn't even checked near the place I was. They just did a simple, quick search. I was clarified dead when I was in that 'hospital' for a few seconds. Yes, seconds. Time moves differently in that 'hospital' than the real world, apparently. It's so weird to me.

I kept walking, just wanting to burn time, and stop the pain. Yes, I still had the shards in my back. I knew they'd bleed and hurt more if I pulled them out, so I didn't. I hid them instead. I hid them so if someone saw a homeless-looking 17 year old on his sidewalk, he wouldn't even see the glass. Which is what I wanted. I didn't want to go to the hospital again. It'd remind me of that god-awful place. I didn't need anyone calling 911 for me. I didn't need any help. I just needed Lorelei. My poor, poor sister. She needed me, and needed to be away from that awful man.

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