Chapter 27

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So… it’s Monday, May 21st, 2018, which means it’s been quite some time since I’ve updated y’all. Braedon and I are, well… let’s just say he asked me out~! I know, I know, so exciting! Also, my friends and I have been raising money for Lorelei to go to my school! Hopefully by Monday next week, we’ll have enough money for her to join.
Anyways, school’s been decent. I’ve been seeing Alma every day, which is nice. The library is just like, a little safe space, y’know? And everything else has been fine, except for my grades… on the first week of school (for me) it was okay. Kinda chill, in a way. Mostly just talking and learning about Pride Month and whatnot. Though, now we’re working more, on projects and tests, which is very stressful.
Plus, it’s hard for me to focus, which just makes everything much harder. But, thankfully, I have nice and good friends, who try to teach me in different ways, but sadly, it never works.
I would pay for a tutor, but I can’t afford it, so it’s out of the question. So, not being able to learn, means my grades are dropping (not that they were very high to begin with). So, yeahhh. Anyways, I don’t have much more time to write, because Lori is coming back home with Aria soon. They’ve been going out to work to help pay for Lori’s schooling. But, the thing is, they’re getting a little… close, let’s just say. Almost too close… It's scary, honestly.
I just hope they don’t get too close. Because if they do, I could potentially lose them both… Oops, they’re here! Writecha later, Diary!

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