mona lisa.

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inspired by MONA LISA (Soojin).

she was, no scratch that, is the mona lisa.

mysterious, intelligent, yet breathtakingly beautiful.

Jang Y/N was so pretty, just like her twin Jang Wonyoung.

in fact, all of the Jang sisters are pretty.

"Y/N! Wonyoung! can one of you date me????" a boy asked, holding out a carnation bouquet in his hands.

"you're so pretty!"

"you sure I'm not in heaven, I think I've met angels."

and no one blamed anyone for fangirling over the two girls.

Wonyoung and Y/N were both pretty in their own ways. they were both quite tall, 173 cm and 170 cm respectively. Wonyoung had pretty thin legs, symmetrical slim face, and shiny glossy long hair. she was confident and graceful, each step of hers emitting her cheerful personality. on the other hand, Y/N was stone cold. like her sister, she had pretty thin legs and a symmetrical slim face, but her eyes twinkled with darkness. although her hair was dyed midnight blue, it was still shiny and flowy.

"Won, let's get going," Y/N said, tugging on her sister's arm. she did not like all of the attention fully focused on her, unlike Wonyoung.

"I'm going to stay here just for a little while more, Y/Nnie," Wonyoung said as she continued to chat happily with random classmates whom even Y/N didn't know the name of.

Y/N sighed.

she was an introvert, unlike Wonyoung. having people's attention all on her did not please her. in fact, it made her uncomfortable.

"I'll go up to class first, alright?" Y/N told her sister as she walked away from the crowd, eyes still upon her.

"hello, you must be Y/N, right?" a boy from two classes above them asked.

"yes?" Y/N did not even bother turning around. she was tired, and wanted to go home as soon as she could.

"I'm an art student, my name's Jay," the boy smiled kindly, holding out his hand for a handshake.

Y/N took it hesitantly, but shook it firmly.

"I think you're very pretty, may I ask can I paint you for my final project?" Jay asked, "I'll pay you as much as you want—"

Y/N nodded her head, "I'll do it for free, it would be impolite to ask you for money when you're simply wanting me to do a favor."

"thank you for being my mona lisa," Jay thanked, bowing politely, "you're an angel."

the girl blushed slightly at the compliment as she waved Jay goodbye.

"oh wait!" Jay said as he turned back to Y/N with look of realization on his face, "meeting time! are you available today and tomorrow after school?"

Y/N replied, "I am."

"then I'll see you after school in the art classroom, alright?" Jay's smile was as bright as the Sun's.

"okay," Y/N smiled genuinely. Jay was such a nice guy, she thought.

"hi Jay," Y/N greeted when she entered the art room, seeing that Jay was alraedy set up with a canvas and paintbrushes.

"hi Y/N," Jay smiled, "thank you for doing this again."

"don't worry about it," Y/N waved her hand lightly, "where do you want me to sit?"

Jay pointed at the chair in front of him.

"and how long is this going to take?" Y/N asked.

"probably two hours each day," Jay replied. he then reached and opened Y/N's hand, putting bills into her hand before closing it, "and take it, there's no way you're doing this for free."

Y/N blushed at the contact, "thank you, Jay."

"you're very talented, Jay," Y/N complimented.

Jay had almost finished the portrait already, he had to color some parts.

his painting was simply beautiful. every hair, line, mole, light, and reflection was drawn; hell, it could have been mistaken for a photo. Y/N was mesmerized by it; it really was like she was the mona lisa in her life.

"you're very pretty and flawless," Jay complimented, "it wasn't hard to paint someone so gorgeous as you."

the girl blushed as she asked, "are you flirting with me?"

Jay leaned towards Y/N closer, "maybe."

"I'm younger than you though," Y/N said, "and what would my sisters say when I'm the first to date?"

"well, that happens," Jay shrugged, "will you let me take you out on a date?"

Y/N nodded shyly as Jay slowly interlocked their hands together.

"my baby sister has a boyfriend now?" Wonyoung weeped dramatically as she hugged the slightly shorter girl.

"shut it, Won," Y/N blushed.

"he treats you so well though," Wonyoung exclaimed, "you really hit the jackpot with Jay. he's kind, smart, knows how to cook, and everything."

"I know," Y/N smiled proudly, "he's my everything."

"damn, you look good," Jay wolf-whistled when he saw Y/N coming down in a red sleeveless dress, ready to go on a date with him.

"shut it, love," Y/N blushed, "you're just exaggerating."

"no I'm not," Jay denied, "you're my mona lisa, you're always pretty, in shorts, jeans, hoodies, dresses, you could even look good wearing a trash bag for all I care!"

the girl shook her head slightly, chuckling, as she interlocked hands with the man she loves.

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this one's quite brief, finals, competitions and auditions are coming for me so I'm getting quite busy.


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