Chapter 48: Last Resort

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(Fort Scyk, Stanix, first location of Cybertron to fall to the Decepticons during the start of the war, third person POV...)

Rage observes his team, the Stormtroopers, being pushed back by the brutal Autobot brute clone army assault.

Rage pushes himself against a wall and tries to call Darkmount on his commlink, "Rage to Darkmount. Come in, Darkmount."

Soundwave replies, "(Filtered) Stormtrooper Rage, this is Soundwave. Please report."

Rage ducks to avoid a bombing run by Expanse, Exchance, Excrance, Exdance, Exfrance, Exglance, Exhanse, Exlance, Exmanse, Exprance, Exstance, Extrance, Exvance, and Exzance, on his position, and he replies, "We are under attack, sir. I repeat, we are under attack, and I am conscious enough to request backup."

Soundwave replies, "(Filtered) Understood. I am sending reinforcements."

Rage then switches frequencies to call Tarn and he says, "Rage to Decepticon Justice Division command, requesting backup. We are under attack. I repeat, requesting backup; we are under attack."

Tarn replies, "(Filtered) Calm yourself, Rage; I don't understand words in hysterics that good. Decepticon Justice Division forces on Cybertron are strained past maximum as it is."

Rage replies as he opens fire on the Autobots, "Sir, I ain't sure how much longer we can keep the Autobots from Fort Scyk."

Tarn replies back, "(Filtered) I'm well aware, soldier. Every Decepticon Justice Division agent outside of Kaon is calling in because of a Cybertron sized push by the Autobots."

A new caller joins the comm lines and vocalizer identification computation identifies the caller as Bosscut as he says, "(Filtered) I assure you, commander, Darkmount is past fully guarded. We'll be ready for anything that comes through the front door or the rear doors."

Bosscut closes the comm lines and transforms back into Sledgeboot, an Autobot double agent resembling a mixture of the Transformers Animated Shockwave and the Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015 Clipshade/Spectrosynth.

Sledgeboot says in a spiteful manner, "Count on it."

Sledgeboot stares out at the courtyard and sees Decepticon ships and Dark Energon Bombers launching to provide assistance, only for Primus and Belus in their smaller but still tall frames to reprogram the Decepticon ships and the Dark Energon Bombers into Autobot ships and Blue Energon Bombers.

Punch then asks, "I don't want to hex it, but doesn't this seem to be going easier than expected? I mean, really, Soundwave hasn't said a word about his staff being dead."

Rimedraft adds before asking, "Even including Hitstream? Wait, didn't Photonblade say that Soundwave at this time was successful in reviving Megatron with Dark Energon and Synthetic Energon combined?"

Everyone's optics widened in surprise before Rimedraft orders, "Computer. Location of Communications Officer Soundwave."

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