Chapter 85: Luna Nova

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(Uniend Cluster 831.1012.514.1014. Zeta-Alpha-Kappa, Wednesday, July 7th, 1988, third person POV...)

A large green and red motorcycle with a size accommodation for humans drove down the tunnel to Autobot Outpost Omega One.

True, the turns were tightly sharp, but they were able to be taken easily, and that is because this motorcycle is actually one of Ratchet's daughters, Luna Nova.

Luna Nova stops in the main command center and transforms to robot mode, showing her to be on par with her father's height.

She looks around, and she sees no one except for Cogwheel.

Luna says, "Cogwheel, Dad, I'm back!"

Cogwheel turns his attention to Luna Nova even as Ratchet crawls halfway out from the underside of the computer console.

Ratchet replies, "Hey, Luna. Pass me a wrench, please."

Luna grabs the nearest wrench which Ratchet apparently needed, and she asks as she hands it over, "Don't tell me: the computer's still having problems again?"

Ratchet replies, "Yep."

Ratchet then goes back to fixing the console.

Several loud grunts came out, followed afterwards by a crash of metal onto metal and a series of colorful Cybertronian fireworks.

Ratchet then comes out and asks, "Luna Nova, you're smaller, correct?"

Luna Nova replies, "Yes, why?"

Ratchet answers, "Well, do you think you can help your old mech out? The scrapping computer's fritzing again, and it won't pick up any signals because of a broken wire, but I can't reach it."

Luna politely takes the offered wrench, drops gently onto her backplate, and crawls to the underside of the computer monitors.

The maintenance panel was already open, and she scans the wiring and data chips for anything out of order.

Then she spots the problem: one wire was stuck in an alternate port, and another was torn.

Luna asks, "Can you please get me the welder?"

Ratchet hands it to her and asks, "You can reach the broken wire?"

Luna replies, "Affirmative."

She uses the wrench to reattach the wrong wire back into its proper place, and she uses the welder to weld the broken wire back together, thankful that Smokeedge's magical and scientific tinkering with her and Ratchet's tools and abilities allowed them to not only fix broken equipment out of human technology while simultaneously using the reverse-engineered versions of standard Cybertronian technology he along with his army and the Nightowl Trines went back in time on Cybertron to the distant past before the war to purchase large amounts of Cybertronian tools and equipment – with permission from Vector Prime and while also paying double to make sure that everyone else kept it quiet – but also allowed them to summon in their subspace compartments unlimited amounts of additional tools and pieces of equipment.

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