Chapter 76: Tharblaze, one of Cybertron's Princesses

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(Uniend Cluster 831.1012.514.1014. Zeta-Alpha-Kappa, Friday, June 3rd, 1988, third person POV...)

In a Cybertronian Epsilon Class battleship spanning fifteen feet tall and with the same length as the numerous incarnations of the Nemesis put together by a couple of feet, Tharblaze, the appointed High Princess of Cybertron before Megatron started the war for Cybertron because he was denied Primacy – the job of a Prime, was walking to the command center of the ship, seeing as how the ship is on autopilot.

Tharblaze asks, "Computer, how much further until we get to the Earth?"

The computer answers, "Estimated time of arrival: five breems."

Tharblaze sighs in relief at this.

In time, Tharblaze is taught about the Earth, from the chemical compositions of the planet to the history of the human race in major conflicts.

And the more that was explained, the more Tharblaze realized that in most ways, the humans of Earth were similar to the Cybertronian race, but with the only differences being that no modern humans have seen their God even in human form, elements of certain governments and law abider groups still have elements of corruption that learned from both real life and from fictional entertainment like Batman to avoid being fired and arrested, and among other things, certain countries are still ruled by dictators. And the only other difference between Earth and Cybertron is that humanity is not engaged in a worldwide war for freedom and democracy to the point where resources are scarce and the people of the planet are close to the brink of extinction.

Tharblaze couldn't help but feel bad for the humans; they did all sorts of bad and good things for millions of years ever since the beginning of their people, regardless of scientific, religious, and philosophical similarities and differences.

But Tharblaze decided to remind herself to do further research at a later date; right now, she's hoping that her teammates Wrylight, Balaforce, and Culkin Zion made it to Earth in one piece.

Just then, the ship alerts her to the presence of an Autobot army on Earth, and she says, "Well, let's make sure that they find me."

Tharblaze then says, "Autobot Outpost Omega One, this is Cybertron High Princess Tharblaze of the Cybertronian Thebes Lancaster. Can you read me?"

Optimus Prime replies, "(Filtered) High Princess, this is Optimus Prime of the Autobot army. We have received your communication and signal, and we will provide you with landing coordinates. Have a safe landing, Your Highness, ma'am."

After two hours, Tharblaze's ship lands in a forest in Oregon, and she encounters the Autobots.

Optimus then says as he and Tharblaze shake servos, "Welcome to Earth, Princess Tharblaze."

Tharblaze replies, "I am honored, Optimus."

It took some time, especially talking things over with Agent Fowler and learning about the United States presidential hierarchy, but Tharblaze got adjusted to life on Earth, especially by getting an Earth-based vehicle mode befitting her frame as a Grounder, more specifically a nice 1988 sports car that can go one hundred and eighty miles per hour.

And when Tharblaze found out that her allies made it to Earth safe and sound, she was elated.

It took some adjustment for the next three days, but Tharblaze got to know every Autobot in the base, and she got to know the truth about Photonblade and the others, showing her shock at the revelation of a multiverse outside of the Transformers multiverse where comic book superheroes and the Transformers exist only as plastic toys and a franchise of comic books, video games, Halloween costumes, television shows, and films.

But Tharblaze never got to admit, she happens to be interested in finding out how Photonblade and his associates will be able to help the Autobots win the war utilizing their foreknowledge of events taking place in the future.

The End.

(Author's notes: See you all in chapter 77: Skippermoth,Spyroflame, Humbler, Zybreaker, Threadfire, and Wakestorm.)

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