Chapter 47: Decepticon Intermission 1

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(Not so long after the destruction of Shockwave's Space Bridge tower and the off-screen destruction of the Tenemesis, third person POV...)

General Slackstorm then says in a deathly calm manner, "I cannot believe the utter nerve of you and your crews, Scrapper."

Slackstorm punches Scrapper hard enough to throw him across the floor of Megatron's throne room, making the Constructicon armies part to avoid Scrapper colliding with them.

Scrapper tried to rapidly climb back to his pedes, only to wind up being grabbed by Overlord's massive fist and lifted off the floor and into the air, suspended by Overlord's tight grip around his neck armor.

Scrapper attempts to say, "Wait... we... ugh!"

Overlord says, "(Tsking six times) Disobeying direct orders and losing one of our capital ships. Very disrespectful."

The other Constructicons stood firm as General Slackstorm asks, "Why did you use Devastator on the Autobot spies inside the Tenemesis anyways?"

Mixmaster replies, "General, we did everything we could to save the Tenemesis. It's not our fault that we didn't know the Autobots had Shifters even though we didn't know their names or what accents and tone pitches their voices had or what they really looked like."

Slackstorm retorts, "No, but you were the total dummies who cost us an important Doomsday class warship because you took matters into your own servos without putting much power into your reasoning and logic circuits!"

Solidframe replies back, "The comms were closed down. The unknown spies had scrambled everything with their DJD access codes and covered their tracks so acutely that not even Tarn can find any clues to their identities."

Obsidian replies, "And yet all of you decided to use your combiner mode to try and find them. You chose to unleash a force of mass destruction capable of leveling a tall building by unleashing it inside a Decepticon friendly warship. Even if the unknown spies hadn't set off the self-destruct sequence by ten astro-seconds, Devastator clearly caused moderate enough damage to the point where the Tenemesis would've had to have another stay in the drydocks if it weren't destroyed."

Slackstorm then says, "Overlord, let him speak please."

Overlord replies with a shrug, "Sure, my lord."

Overlord releases Scrapper, letting him fall to the floor.

After getting up, Scrapper then says, "General Slackstorm, given the circumstances, I admit that we Constructicons acted in the best way we could afford."

Ghoulon replies, "Then I worry for whether or not any of you chose to think very carefully like a sensible Decepticon soldier should. Did any of you even stop to think that maybe it would be worth a try to have Devastator punch a hole into the hull of the ship so you can access your own commlinks and radio for reinforcements? And did any of you even stop to think about turning on some of the millions of Vehicon Troopers whom you also failed to save and have them search the ship for the spies and overwhelm them? Or even have a team of them transmit a message?"

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