Chapter 14: Foraging, Liberation, Immense Winnings, Uncovering, and Improvements

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(Author's notes: Let me be clear here: this chapter was inspired by someone else's take on the War for Cybertron, not mentioning any names, but not copied or pasted. As a result of wanting this chapter to be different from the chapter it was inspired by, I made my own take on certain scenes. I don't intend to copy or paste my stories based on other people's stories. I get these ideas and I have to use my own takes on how they should happen. But there's no plagiarism because I hate that crap.)

(Iacon, third person POV...)

After the Decepticons were repelled from Iacon and after Optimus left with the others to enact their plan to save Sentinel Zeta Prime, Photonblade was still in Iacon because Optimus didn't want Megatron to have Shockwave examine Photonblade and learn the secrets of the Army Force Clan of Sixteen that could potentially be used in favor of the Decepticons, or worse, his origins as a former human being and his foreknowledge of the Transformers franchise and the future of the Aligned continuity, which includes Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark, Transformers Fall of Cybertron, Transformers Prime, Transformers Rescue Bots, Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015, and Transformers Rescue Bots Academy.

So, because of this, Photonblade was flying in his jet mode to search for any further Autobot survivors.

He was flying in the final sectors of Iacon when suddenly, his radar detected Autobot life signals.

Photonblade follows the signals and transforms to robot mode at the location of the signals.

With the Autobot symbol proudly displayed on his chestplate, Photonblade walked over to the spot where there was rubble covering a hole.

After moving a few bigger pieces of debris out of the way first, Photonblade calls out, "Hello! Any Autobots down there?!"

An Autobot Soldier calls back, "Yes, we're down here! Please help us!"

Photonblade replies, "Hang on!"

Photonblade uses his hyper speed coupled with his strength to remove the rubble out of the way quickly.

The group of fifty Autobot Soldiers were rescued just in time.

Photonblade then says into his commlink, "Ratchet, this is Photonblade. I found the last of the Autobot troops who went missing. Good news is that they aren't badly damaged, but I still recommend a thorough medical examination, just to be on the safe side."

Ratchet replies, "(Filtered) Understood, Photonblade. I'm opening a Ground Bridge at your coordinates now."

A Ground Bridge portal opens and Photonblade leads the Autobots to the Autobot Headquarters in Iacon.

Photonblade took notice of the others sharing his origin having successfully found another two million, three hundred and sixty-four thousand, five hundred and ninety-seven Autobots all across the city.

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