22. the plan

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Michelle's PoV

I can hear the loud music coming from Studio 1 along with the noise of a dozen wild children spending their time messing around instead of rehearsing. I would make them regret it if it wasn't for the fact that I have other priorities. I just don't have the time or patience to try to get them to change their ways today.

My mind is always bursting with great ideas and I may just have one of the best ones right now. But I need a little help with pulling it off...

I open the door, revealing exactly what I was expecting to see. Immediately, I'm noticed and I can see the pure shock on their faces.

"Miss Michelle!" Xander says, turning off the music "Is there something you want?"

"We were just rehearsing!" Abigail lies.

"Rehearsing?" I question them "Was that what that was?"

They can clearly see that I don't believe them.

"We were just blowing off steam." Abigail answers me.

"Right, sure."

They all stand in silence, waiting for what I'm going to say next. They're terrified of me and it's sort of amusing. It makes me feel quite powerful.

And then I get to why I'm actually here "Presley, can I speak to you outside?"

"Me?" She's shocked.

"Your name's Presley, isn't it?"

I hear a lot of quiet laughter coming from them all as I embarrass Presley. I then begin to walk outside, waiting directly beside the door for her.

And when she does find me, she says "You- you wanted to speak to me?"

"Yeah, I did." I tell her, a serious look on my face "We need to have a little conversation."

"Have I done something wrong?"

"No, no you haven't done anything wrong. We just need to talk about something, that's all." I instantly see the relief on her face.

I continue speaking to her "You know, I've actually been watching you in rehearsals recently and I've seen such an improvement lately. Not even in your dancing, just how you are as a person. You've really matured and I'm quite impressed."

"R- really?" She says, a bright smile appearing on her face.

"Yeah, and it actually made me think." I begin to explain some things "I was thinking that getting more opportunities would boost your confidence and help you reach a new level in your dance career. So, I'm offering you a chance to dance with A-troupe..."

I watch as her eyes widen in shock before that same annoying smile creeps through again. The way she never fails to show her crooked teeth really irritates me for some reason.

She throws herself into the air slightly "No way!"


"No way!" She repeats "Are you serious?!"

"Do I look serious to you?"

"Oh my god!" She continues to celebrate "Why? And when?! Wait... am I on A-troupe now?!"

I shake my head "No, you're not on A-troupe. It's just recreational, something to help give you some experience."

I can tell that she's a little disappointed when I reveal that to her. But what the hell was she thinking? It's not like I'm going to let an immature child onto a team that's so prestigious! She's barely gone through puberty, it would look ridiculous.

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