25. just the two of us

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Richelle's PoV

"This place is actually huge!" I express, looking around as we walk through the foyer.

Michelle replies "Yeah! Well, I'm pretty used to it by now since I've danced here multiple times."

I furrow my brows "You didn't tell me that."

"Sorry. I guess I just forgot to mention it."

I brush it off due to the excitement of being somewhere that I've always dreamt of being. Ever since I was a little girl, dancing at the Canadian National Ballet School was my ultimate goal. I even dreamt about it some nights and, somehow, it managed to feel so real.

I told Emily about my dreams when I first joined the studio. She was supportive of me and I felt like I needed to prove to her that I could do it.

"Do you actually think we have a chance here? Like, we could actually make it onto the summer program?" I question her as I have a hard time believing that I can do it.

"Yeah!" She smiles "Why couldn't we? I mean, you're an amazing dancer and, me, I've just got a great ass, the instructors won't be able to say no!"

"Shut up!" I roll my eyes.

"What?! I do!" She hits my arm playfully.

"Okay, alright, whatever."

Michelle then points towards a bar at the opposite end of the room, unsurprisingly, wanting to head over there. Classic Michelle.

"Let's go get a drink." A mischievous smile appears on her face.

"No, we're supposed to be at registration in an hour! Michelle, we can't fuck this up, we've been preparing for this for months now!"

"Oh, come on! Just one drink!" She begs "Plus, like you said, we have an hour. I'm not willing to spend that time staring at the clock, so come on!"

I sigh before giving in "Oh, fine! But just one drink, right?"

She smirks "Or two..."

"Fine! Just- just come on!"

We end up staying at the bar for forty minutes, and one drink turns into two and then turns into five. I only drink one as I'm not a big drinker and I'm more focused on the competition anyway. If I didn't make it into the ballet school because I was drunk, I would hate myself!

"W- what's your accent, I can't tell?" Michelle drunkenly asks the bartender.

"Michelle." I try to stop her from asking questions.

"Seriously, what is it?!"

"I'm from Texas." He answers her.

"See!" She turns to me "I fucking told you, didn't I? You were saying he sounded Australian, you idiot!"

"I don't know." I roll my eyes at how drunk she is "Anyway, can you please calm down now? No more drinks."

"Oh... really?!" She sulks.

"Yes, really!" I confirm "You've had way too many already."

"Oh, alright, whatever." She folds her arms, sinking further into her seat with a moody look on her face.

Even the bartender can't help but laugh at her. Michelle is already a mess sober, and when adding alcohol into the mix, she turns into a complete nightmare. I do get embarrassed being around her but I just try to laugh it off. She is my friend after all and, plus, someone needs to be around to look after her.

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