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Work was dragging for both women, Kara was busy with mundane meetings, while Lena was fielding questions about her sudden pregnancy. By the time lunch rolled around and Kara walked into her office with two large pizzas in her hands Lena was ready to collapse from her emotionally hard day. "Lee?" Kara gasped as her wife suddenly fell into her arms.  "I'm ok...I just really needed to see you. I'm glad you came when you did. It's been a really emotional day today." Lena said as she pulled back looking at the pizzas on the coffee table. "Did you bring drinks too?" Lena asked. Kara nodded and held up two chocolate shakes. "Here, let's sit and eat now Lee...and you can tell me about your day." Kara replied.

Lena sank onto the sofa and leaned into Kara's shoulder. "Everyone's been bugging me about the pregnancy. Saying it was quickly done and how I'll be unable to do much work with a child on the way. Some even went so far as to say that it should be you who got pregnant." Lena groaned. "Well they're all a bunch of dicks anyways. Has anyone close to you said anything like that?" Kara asked handing her some pizza. "No Jess is really excited about the baby. Sam well...she knows obviously. But thats about it. Oh well Jess did say and I quote 'Oooh a baby Lena and Kara! The kid will be unstoppable with your brains and Kara's ability to turn mundane information into beautiful pieces of work they'll rule the world.' I merely laughed at her and asked her to keep it between us, and she agreed." Lena replied.

"Rule the world...hmmm you better not try anything like that little one...or you'll be grounded forever." Kara whispered against Lena's abdomen causing Lena to laugh. "You heard it from mommy little one, you can be anything you want to be expect the ruler of the world." Lena replied as she rubbed her stomach. After devouring the pizzas and the shakes Lena curled up on to Kara's lap and clung to her shirt. "It's ok. You relax love, I'm not going anywhere." Kara whispered as she sat with her arms tight around Lena's body.

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