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After finding out they were having a girl Kara and Lena spent the next few weeks looking for the perfect name for their daughter. "What about Athena? She's the goddess of war and of wisdom, so it would be the perfect mixture of both of our strengths." Lena suggested. Kara took her time thinking over it letting it rollover and over in her mind. "It's perfect. Athena Elizabeth Danvers-Luthor." Kara replied. "Elizabeth...but...that's my...." Lena whispered. "Your birth mother's name. I know. That's why I chose it as her middle name, and it also fits Eliza too...so both our moms are incorporated in our daughter's name." Kara replied.

"I love it! We should call mom now...and tell her the news." Lena replied with a smile. Kara pulled her laptop up on to her lap and called Elizabeth on video call. After two rings she answered. "Hello girls! How is everything going?" She greeted. "We're great! Better than great actually! We have some amazing news to tell you!" Lena exclaimed happily. "What is the news?" Elizabeth asked. "We're having a girl!" They both said together. "A girl! Oh how lovely! Do you have a name picked out too?" Elizabeth asked. Kara and Lena shared a look before nodding. "Well? What is the name of my granddaughter?" Elizabeth asked.

"Athena Elizabeth Danvers-Luthor." Lena replied. "You're naming her after the Greek goddess of war and of wisdom, and myself?" Elizabeth asked with tears in her eyes. "Yes. Well after both you and Kara's mom. Her name's Eliza so we thought that this way would be a great way to give her both of her grandmothers names all in one." Lena explained. "That's a lovely idea." Elizabeth replied. "We had the gender reveal party two weeks ago and our friends and Eliza are now preparing to plan the baby shower. We'd like you to be here for it." Kara stated. "Of course I'll come. It would be wonderful to meet my daughter's family and friends." Elizabeth replied.

"Well you can always early and stay with us till the party." Kara added. "Well...I'd have to find..." "You'll stay here with us and you'll fly here on our jet." Lena said cutting her mother off. "Ok..well that's  settled,when would you want me there?" Elizabeth asked. Kara looked at Lena who took a glance at her watch before looking back at the laptop. "I can have the jet ready to go in ten minutes. That'll give you time enough to pack a few bags of clothes. Whatever else you need or want while you're out here we'll take care of." Lena stated. "Ok! I'll get off here then and go pack my things. I'll see you two later." Elizabeth said. "We look forward to it!" Lena replied smiling at her mother.

With that the call ended. Lena called her pilot to make arrangements to fly to Ireland to pick her mother up. "And make sure the kitchen is stocked and change the sheets on the bed too. No...my wife and I will come pick her up when she lands. Thank you!" Lena said as she ended the call. "There! Mom should be here by ten am tomorrow morning, so let's head to bed shall we? It's late." Lena added. "Sounds good to me love. Let's go to bed." Kara replied.

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