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"Today is our fifteenth wedding anniversary, and I'd like to spend a few minutes to tell you all how mine and Kara's romantic relationship began...you see it all started with a conversation with my CFO Samantha Danvers or as she was known then Samantha Arias. I remember that conversation well...I had told Sam that when I set my sights on something I want I go after it. And I always get what I want. To which Sam replied 'And what about women? Does that work for when you have your eyes set on a certain blonde?" Are you not gonna stop till you get her?' So me being me....didn't answer right away...I instead played with the 'supergirl' watch. So when Sam pressed....I made a vow then and there. I told Sam... 'Yes! I will get Kara to be mine by the end of the day! Watch and see!'

However Sam wasn't finished with jibing me yet...she insisted on reminding me that a certain Lucy Lane was interested in Kara's heart as well...sorry Lucy...but I'm about to bash you...so to get back at Sam I piped up and said 'Lucy Lane has nothing on me! I've known Kara longer! It doesn't mater that her sister is dating Kara's cousin! Well one thing led to another and I plucked up the courage to ask Kara to be my date to the upcoming gala...I even made sure to mention that I invited my competition...or who I thought would be that...However when I brought up that Kara could be dating Lucy she quickly denied that saying that they were only friends and nothing more.

When Kara told me she was indeed gay and interested in a woman...I told myself I have to know she was....and I did...that night at the gala...I took Kara up to the roof and confessed my feelings for her...as she did me...and we never looked back. And now we have two beautiful children together, and another two the way. Kara Danvers-Luthor, I've been in love with you since you shared your biggest secret in my office that day...and I am so glad that I confessed my feelings to you that night at the gala and that you returned those feelings. I'm glad we are where we are today, with our growing family surrounded by our wonderful friends and family." Lena finished her speech.

Kara stood up walking over to Lena and pressing a loving kiss on Lena's lips earning whistles and even a couple of 'ewwws' from Athena and Damion who were sitting between their grandmothers.

"My turn...I suppose. When I was sent away to Earth...I never imagined that I would find a family...let alone someone to love me for me. However I got both...I was graciously welcomed into the Danvers family...and I found someone who loves me for me. As a teenager Alex and I would discuss what we wanted in life...it was always the same, a nice job, a nice house, and someone to have kids with and grow old together. I would add in that I wanted someone to become friends with before getting married to them so that way we'd know each other's secrets...and I did just that...I became friends with Lena Luthor shortly after meeting her...sure she was unsure of my intentions of being her friend...but she soon let me into her world...it wasn't too long after that...that my feelings for her developed...however I didn't know if I should act on them...I was too scared...too nervous that Lena would only see me as a friend and just that...so I hid them...

However up on that rooftop under all those beautiful fairy lights I listened to Lena confessing her feelings for me..and I knew then that I had to quickly spill my feelings for here too before I lost courage.....It's hard to believe that someone like supergirl being nervous about something like confessing ones feelings but I was...however I'm glad I did...and I'm glad she reciprocated them. I'll never forget the looks that everyone gave us as we reentered the gala with lipstick smudges on our necks and lips... however I was too wrapped up in love for Lena...

Looking back on those late night discussions with Alex about weddings what our future partners would look like and act like...nothing teenage me came up with can hold a match to Lena. She is everything I've ever wanted and more. I love you Lee! Fifteen years down...a lifetime to go!" Kara finished her speech and returned to her seat next to her wife.

"Go on Athena..Damion...go make your speech's." Eliza said. "Ok grandma." Athena replied as she took her brother's hand and headed for the microphone.

"Hello everyone! I'm Athena Elizabeth Luthor-Danvers, and this is my younger brother Damion Alexander Luthor-Danvers. Ever since I can remember I've always saw my mom and momma shower each other with love and affection. That being said..that doesn't mean they don't have arguments...cause they do...they just don't let the arguments become them, they always work things out. Even when momma has to go to another earth to help out Uncle Barry and Uncle Oliver, we hear them discuss it first." Athena turns to her brother and whispers something in his ear before he begins speaking.

"Hello...I'm Damion Alexander Luthor-Danvers, as my older sister said, mommy and momma are always showing us how a marriage should be between two people. There is never a day where we don't see them share a kiss, or a loving touch, whether it be while momma's cooking or when mommy comes home from fighting aliens, there always there to greet each other and discuss how their days went. On the night's mommy is out as supergirl momma will wait out on the balcony wrapped up in a blanket waiting for mommy to return...we've watched her do this many times...and what she doesn't know is that we too watch for mommy to come home from our bedroom windows too as we stay up like Auntie Alex and mommy did talking about what we want our love stories to be like...my sister and I may not agree on everything...but we both know that we both want someone in our lives who looks at us the same way our mommy and momma look at each other even after all these years together....to mommy and momma!"  Damion finished his speech and quickly returns to where Eliza and Elizabeth sit with his sister.

Later that night after everyone goes home Lena and Kara lay in bed thinking over the events that had occurred at their anniversary party. "We have some amazing children...you know it Lee..." Kara said. "I know...I hope that our little Alura and Patrick are just as amazing..." Lena replied. "I'm sure they will be." Kara replied. "I love you Kara Zor-El Luthor-Danvers." Lena whispered. "And I love you too Lena Zor-El Danvers Luthor. I loved you then, I love you now....and I will love you always even when our lights return to Rao's land I'll still be in love with you." Kara whispered.


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