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"So what did you want to talk about Al?" Kara asks. "I wanted to know where you got that dress? It's absolutely stunning on you!" Alex exclaims. "Oh...um in some fancy dress shop Sam knows. Where did they go?" Kara asks looking where Lena and Sam once stood. "Oh..probably to talk to some of the wait staff or something. I'm sure she'll come back for you when shes done." Alex stated. Kara just nodded her head and continued talking to her sister.

Meanwhile up on the roof of the hotel Lena and Sam are busy working on getting the twinkle lights working. "There! They're on! Oh Lee everything looks perfect! Kara's gonna flip when you confess your feelings." Sam exclaimed happily. "I hope so...I've been in love with her since that first day she walked into my office with her cousin. I mean...shes it for me Sammy...she makes me laugh, she makes me feel like I'm not just my last name..." Lena cooed. "Sounds like she's your other half Lena." Sam replied with a smile. "She is..she really is...I know it's gonna sound like I'm rushing things when I'm not but I'm gonna marry her one day Sam! I just know it." Lena stated as they headed back downstairs.

When they re enter the ballroom Lena's eyes lock on to the blonde standing by the bar making idle chitchat. "Let's go get our girls..." Sam whispered as they walked towards them. "How are you two doing?" Sam asked with a smile as she wrapped her arm around Alex. "Good, where did you two take off to?" Alex asked. "Oh...we had to talk to some waitstaff." Lena states. "Oh..everything ok?" Kara asked. "Yes, everything's taken care of now." Lena replies.

Lena looks at the blonde as she thinks of a reason to get her to go somewhere private with her. "Kara?" Lena says. "Yea Lee?" Kara asks looking at her friend. Taking a deep breath Lena begins talking again. "Can we go talk...um somewhere private?" Lena asks softly. Kara looks at her sister and then at Sam before turning to Lena. "Um sure..." Kara replies as she takes Lena's arm and goes out of the ball room with her. Sam and Alex share a knowing grin and high five each other before returning to their drinks.

Lena takes Kara into the elevator that goes to the roof. "Where are we going Lee?" Kara asked sounding nervous. "Just some place private where no one can hear us." Lena replies. "Are you gonna kill me?" Kara asks teasingly. Lena chuckles at this and shakes her head at the blonde. "Do you trust me Kar?" Lena asked. "Of course I do Lena." Kara replies with a smile. "Ok then come with me." Lena states as the elevators door open revealing the twinkle lights over the roof of the hotel. Kara's eyes glistened in the lights as Lena watched her spin around slowly.

"Lee what is all this for?" Kara asks softly. Lena takes another deep breath before speaking. "Kara, when I first met you I thought how could someone so incredibly beautiful and talented not be a reporter. However me being me, I pushed you away, however you never let me push you completely away. You insisted I come to game nights, have lunches together, sometimes just so I would eat lunch during the day. Then we began having movie nights and ordering pizzas and taking getaways to Midvale where we watched Sam and Alex fall in love with one another. When you told me your secret I was angry at first but I finally understood why you kept it from me, and then when you were injured dealing with my family I was so worried I'd never see you again that I took a week off work to stay by your bedside to make sure you'd be ok. Kara what I'm trying to get at...is over those lunches, and movie nights, and trips to Midvale and watching you fight and almost loosing you...I fell in love with you...and I asked you here as my date so I could come up with a plan to properly ask you to become my girlfriend and tell you how I feel...so Kara Danvers...I'm in love with you...and I'd love it if you were my girlfriend!" Lena finished her speech and waited on bated breath for the blonde to reply.

Kara didn't respond. Instead she closed the gap between them and pressed her lips to Lena's. The kiss was slow at first but it quickly turned passionate. When they broke apart they were breathless and Kara had tears in her eyes. "I love you too Lena! I have for so long now! And yes! I'd love to be your girlfriend!" Kara exclaimed. Lena pulled the blonde into another hug before separating once again. "What shall we do now?" Lena asked. "We could go back down and dance or tell Sam and Alex...or we something..." Kara suggested. "Let's go dance then shall we...we can tell them later." Lena stated as they headed back towards the elevator hand in hand with love in their eyes.

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