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Sitting in the waiting room Alex, Sam, Eliza, and Elizabeth wait patiently for word to come from the delivery room. "It's been hours! When is my niece coming out?" Alex groaned. "She'll be here when she gets here! Now relax Alex." Sam said. Eliza and Elizabeth looked to be the essence of calmness as they sat in the chairs causally flipping through a magazine. "How are you two so calm?" Alex asked. "Cause we've been here before. Everything is going to be alright." Eliza said with a smile.

Back inside the hospital room Lena's busy screaming and squeezing Kara's hand extremely hard. "AAAAAHHHHRRRRGHHHH!" Lena yelled out as she pushed again. "Almost there darling! Almost there!" Kara cooed. "SHUT UP!" Lena yells at the blonde. "I love you too!" Kara replied. "One more big push Mrs. Danvers-Luthor!" The doctor said. "AAARRRRGHHHH AAHHHHHH!" Lena screams out. Suddenly the whole room goes silent before the sounds of a baby crying breaks the silence.

After the nurses get Athena cleaned up they place her in Lena's arms. "Kar...she's here!" Lena whispers. "She's beautiful!" Kara replied. "I want a minute before everyone comes in.." Lena said. "Ok, we can take our time." Kara said. "She's perfect." Lena said. "Yes she is. Look she's your eyes..." Kara gushed. "And she's gonna have your hair..look she's a tow head." Lena added. "Our little angel." Kara whispered. "Kara..go get them. They'll want to meet our daughter." Lena said. "Ok I'll be right back." Kara added as she walked out of the room.

The walk to the waiting room was short. And when she got there she was quickly pulled into a tight hug by everyone. "She's here! Athena's here! She's got Lena's eyes and will probably wind up with blonde hair. Come on Lena's ready for everyone." Kara said. Everyone followed the beaming blonde back to the room. In the bed lay Lena with Athena in her arms. "Hey everyone!" Lena gushed. Everyone slowly gathered around the bed to look at Athena. "She's beautiful!" Eliza said. "Yes she is!" Elizabeth added. "Do you want to hold her?" Kara asked looking at the grandmothers. They both nodded. Lena gently passed Athena to Eliza who was closer to the bed.

One by one they all took turns holding Athena till it was Elizabeth's turn. The small baby's eyes fluttered open revealing her piercing green eyes. "Hello their little one." Elizabeth cooed.

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