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I love Rivaan Raghuvanshi.

Yes, that's a confession.

It wasn't like I just suddenly tripped and fell for him. My eyes were wide open the whole time, and I loved getting to know him  more and more.

Even though I believe in fate sometimes, I also think we control our own destiny.  And if I had a choice, any choice at all, I would pick him.Every single time. In a hundred lifetimes, a hundred different worlds, anywhere - I'd find him and choose him again.Rivaan Raghuvanshi, he's my choice.He's mine.

I have thought about it as some silly crush or infatuation and I'll get over it. But I couldn't. There wasn't a single night when I didn't think about him. He was the last and the first thought in my mind. I couldn't get my mind off my mind from the day I saw him for the first time.

Fourteen years ago.

The day I met him for the first time was etched into my memory like vivid painting, every detail forever emblazoned on the canvas of my mind. It was an ordinary day, at least it had started that way, but little did I know that my life was about to change forever.

I was Eleven when I first met him. At Sheesh Mahal.

I ran through the corridor looking all over the place which really fascinated me. That was the first time i was visiting Sheesh Mahal. I ran across. Looking at my faces in the mirror. My  giggles filled the air and echoed in the place. That day there were no tourists there just some limited people and men wearing black were all over the place. I wondered why.

I ran excitedly down the palace corridor, my giggles echoing off the walls. Up ahead I saw a balcony and scampered over to it. Leaning over the railing, I tried to look down at the courtyard below. Suddenly, I felt myself starting to topple over the edge! I screamed as I teetered precariously.

Just then, a pair of strong hands grabbed me from behind and yanked me backwards. I fell against someone's chest, trembling from the near fall.

My savior, still holding me tight, remained silent. Curiosity replaced by a sigh of relief, I turned around to see who'd just become my hero. My eyes widened.

It was Rivaan Raghuvanshi. The prince. his brow furrowed in Concern with a tinge of annoyance.

His black  eyes, usually bright and playful, were serious now, a sharp contrast to the messy disarray of his dark hair. A stray curl even tickled my cheek, making me giggle nervously

With his messy dark hair, serious expression, and strong arms that had just pulled me to safety, he reminded me of the brave fly-riders from the stories. Those daring heroes who ride on the horse, performing daring rescues and slaying monsters.

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