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Karen slept on her bed, as the sun rose, she put up the papers to the little window like she always would and she laid her head down forcing herself to go to sleep.

The night for her was long and treacherous, she was greatful that she didn't have to do what the other girls did and all but all she wanted to do now was to fall asleep and try to forget about her life until she has to do it again at night.

"Put them down." Trixie woke and said to Karen, this was a reoccurring thing and Karen didn't care for it... she looked at her then she chose to ignore her and she closed her eyes again trying to sleep.

"I said... put the damn papers down from that window!" Trixie yelled at her but Karen kept her eyes closed calmly choosing her peace.

Trixie got up and before she could walk over to Karen Madelyn stopped her.

"Hey... leave her alone okay." Maddie said grabbing her arm.

"Who does she think she is? She thinks she's better than us or something?" Trixie asked and Maddie pulled her back.

"That is the boss's bitch though... you know this." Maddie said.

"Just because she's fucked by Big B don't mean she special" Trixie shot, and Karen could hear them... it was all she heard for the past 3 years she's been here.

"Just leave the mute alone, you know she not moved by your sorry ass." Keisha yelled at Trixie.

"Man Keish you can never be quiet can you?" Trixie asked her as she sat down on her bed.

"Go to sleep Trixie, your pussy is probably throbbing right now begging for your two-faced ass to sit down." Keisha said to her chewing her gum really loudly.

"Don't start with me La'Keisha. " Trixie said to her.

"Only my mama call me that bitch get my name out your dick eating mouth!" Keisha yelled and Trixie stood and she tried to hit her then a fight brewed between them.

Karen rolled her eyes, here they go again. She covered her ears and sang one of the few songs she knew in her head, she remembers a woman used to sing it to her who she would like to think was her mother she used to sing it to her when she was young and it's the only one that she would remember her singing.

Karen finally fell asleep even in the midst of chaos, she was used to the yells and cusses of the other women and nothing fazed her... not even when they tried to pick on her and try to get on her nerves. Even though Karen didn't speak she knew she can handle herself when it came to these girls.

"Hey mute girl!" Karen heard someone say kicking her bed.

"Get up, we gotta get ready." Clara told her and she held her hand out.

Karen got up and took a minute to think starring at Clara's hand deciphering whether to take it or not. Avoiding it Karen got up by herself and she stretched one thing she learned was never to trust anyone.

"You really don't like nobody huh?" Clara asked as she walked with Karen to the showers and Karen still kept quiet.

"That's okay, I don't also... but I figured I can talk to you so you won't tell nobody." Clara said to her and Karen just looked at her weirdly , what was this girl trying to do?

Drew sat in his motel as he cleaned out his gun, it was another week of trying to finish the journey he had started to get his revenge. He was clean from living the criminal life but he got pulled back into it when a tragedy hit him.

A year ago he was driving with his 2 year old son in the backseat of his car, he had just gotten  a fresh haircut from the barbershop and he was driving home.

When he stopped his car at a red light another car parked right next to him and started shooting up his car, which led to the death of his son. His whole life then changed and revenge was all that was in his head, all he wanted was vengeance for his son.

He knew that it was an old beef that hadn't been squashed but he didn't know which one, he got into it with some pretty bad people back in his days and they were a lot.

He had been on a mission since travelling across the country, stealing blocks of coke, glocks and exchanging it for information or leads that he could get in the game to lead him to the person who ordered his kill and he was getting closer and closer.

He knew people's territories , he knew how they operated, which days the guns and the coke would move and the knowledge he had made it easier for him to not get caught.

He was planning on invading the trap house that was owned by the man who had the main answers he needed, word got out the street really quickly in the criminal world and a lot of people were warned that John Drew was out for revenge and he was crazy destroying people's merchandise, he stopped deals from going in, burned people's orders before they got spread out and he couldn't even be found as he hid in the shadows, no family , no friends.

Drew put his gun back together after cleaning it and he placed it on top of the nightstand next to the bed, he got in the bathroom and cut the light on, after he went over to the sink and he poured water on his face.

He looked at himself on the mirror and he sighed, everything he worked hard for just for him to get back in the same position as his past, a life he thought would be ancient and forgotten to him. He couldn't even recognise himself.

He went back and took his bottle of brandy and he threw himself on the bed as he drank it, trying to drown the emotions away not wanting to feel or think because at night before sleep caught him was the most difficult time.

Drew woke up as the sun hit his face, he woke up and the implication of his drinking immediately hit his head as he did.

Groaning Drew got up and he went to the bathroom to pee, getting out Drew looked over the bag of guns on the motel floor and he picked it up... 

He stole the bag from a scumbag he was interrogating after he burned his cocaine, he wasn't torturing him but he kept threatening to put more of his merchandise on fire as he did and that was even more rewarding than actually beating him up.

Drew took out the guns and hand grenades he thought he might need for today, the scumbag Blair was a no good son of a bitch but there was nothing he hated more than a no good son of a bitch who sold women to men, and he wanted to burn down his trap house to the ground , not only did he have information on his son's killer but Drew was determined that Big B was also a part of wanting him dead.

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