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Karen walked through the aisles of the store with Kierra shopping for groceries.

She had just gotten back from the hospital, spending a few hours with her son and they told her she could take him home soon so she was in a really good mood.

She had a list of things to buy so she wouldn't forget what she needed around the house as she pushed the trolley with Kierra in it and holding on.

Karen spoke and sang to Kierra as they walked through the aisles enacting every baby sound that Kierra made as she tried to talk... she was also looking at some party decorations as she passed the aisle because soon her little girl would be two and she wanted to celebrate her.

"Oh excuse me" Karen heard after someone hit her trolley with theirs and she tried to make sure that her daughter was okay.

She avoided the excuse me because there was free space but the person really decided that they would knock her trolley and she had a baby inside it.

"Please watch where you're pushing that thing next time." Karen said softly , she looked at the man and he nodded agreeing that it was wrong of him.

He then apologised again and passed Karen, walking by. Karen thought that it was weird but she continued looking through her list for the rest of the stuff.

After some time when she was done, Karen went to the counter to pay for her stuff, Kierra was starting to fuss over the candy that she wanted and that caused chaos for Karen.

"Ki baby you can have this in the car okay bug, calm down." Karen said to Kierra , she took her out and carried her on her hip but Kierra wasn't budging.

Karen was annoyed cause she had to take out the groceries and stupidly she put Kierra on the floor avoiding her since she was acting out.

She avoided her cries as she pulled on her mom, Karen apologised to the cashier and she continued putting the groceries up with Kierra on her legs.

Soon Karen felt someone pick up Kierra and she turned her head quickly.

"What are you doing?" Karen asked seeing that it was the same man from before.

"You need some help with her?" He asked patting Kierra.

"Uh... no, give me my daughter." Karen said , she took Kierra out of the man's arms and she held on to her to look at him.

The guy had the audacity.

"I'll see you soon Karen." The guy said and she walked passed Karen , which scared her...

How did he even know her name? She has never seen that guy before in her life, and it definitely couldn't be one of the men she has slept with before because they didn't know her name.

She slowly continued with her shopping feeling really unsafe and when it was time to leave the store Karen asked someone for help with the plastics and told them that she didn't feel safe, that someone was following her.

And to her surprise getting to her car, someone was indeed waiting for her.

"What the fuck do you want!?" Karen yelled getting closer to the car as she held Kierra.

"Can we please talk? I wanna apologise" Blair said to Karen who scrunched her face.

Karen felt like she was being tested today, now this man comes to her talking crazy. She opened her car and she sat Kierra in her seat and gave her the candy that she was crying for.

The dude that helped her was still there which Karen was relieved about.

"Get away from me Blair." Karen said to him.

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