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Karen laid in her mother's bed with her as she cried again...

Dorinda drove her and Kierra back home in her car as Greg drove in the car that they came in and they managed to make it back home safely.

She hasn't spoken a word since she left the hospital and Dorinda was the one to explain to the family what happened even though she didn't fully know herself.

They made it back home in the evening and all of Karen's sisters were in their house waiting for then to arrive.

"Da-da Da-da " Kierra cooed excitedly seeing Drew after they got in the house.

"Hey bug." Drew said taking Kierra out of Dorinda's arms and hugging her.

Mattie quickly wrapped her arms around Karen of course seeing that she was okay, Karen immediately started crying once more in her mother's arms.

"What happened Karen?" Mattie asked seeing how in distress Karen was.

"She hasn't said anything since we left Wisconsin." Dorinda said and Drew cut his eyes at Karen realising where she was.

"What was she doing in Wisconsin?" Twinkie asked and Dorinda shrugged her shoulders.

"Karen what were you doing there?" Jacky asked her but Karen was just in her mother's arms.

"Karen are you going to tell them what happened?" Dorinda asked her , Karen shook her head no fervently.

"What happened?" Drew asked, Kierra was putting her hands all over Drew's face and pulling his skin and Drew couldn't even give her attention because he was worried about Karen.

"Should I tell them Karen?" Dorinda asked her and Karen nodded her head yes. Drew rolled his eyes at her, she was starting again with not speaking to anyone and it worried him because the last time she chose not to speak it lasted a while.

"Guys, Karen lost the baby." Dorinda let out.

Drew froze and looked at Karen in disbelief, his eyes quickly shifted to her belly that was there and everyone else took in what Dorinda said as they had their own reaction and they asked questions.

"The doctors said that she has to carry full term since it's risky for her to have surgery, she is going to have to push the still born out." Greg said finishing after his wife because the sisters were asking what happened.

Everyone went to Karen and their mother to cover her , the whole house turned into tears falling from the women and it turned into a prayer session... the whole family turned the sad moment into prayer covering Karen and her body.

No one knew why Karen was in Wisconsin except for Drew, he had an idea why she was there and he had to find out from Karen's sister that their child had no life because Karen wouldn't talk to him.

It killed Drew hearing the news when Dorinda told them, he couldn't even talk or cry with Karen since all she wanted to do was be with her mother for comfort.

The only person Drew had for comfort now was little Kierra who didn't even know what was going on but he knew Kierra was scared, her mother was scared and the only person she wanted now was her dad.

He looked at her little body in their bed as she slept and he just started crying, he lost his second child and his wife wouldn't even talk to him , she didn't even want to be close to him.

Drew was woken up by little fingers on his face and she opened his eyes, he realised that he cried himself to sleep since he didn't remember.

He got up and took Kierra in his hands and he kissed her cheek... Drew took Kierra to her nursery so he would change her and Kierra didn't even fuss at him.

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