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"Karen you're only going home, you can come back to see him anytime you want." Jacky said as they were driving to Karen's house.

"I know, I know Jacky" Karen whined to her.

"Then stop complaining about it Kare-" Dorinda said.

Getting to her house Karen was met by Kierra who ran towards her as she entered the house and Karen smiled seeing her daughter that active.

"Hi bug, where's nana?" Karen asked picking Kierra up.

"Nana" Kierra tried to say and she pointed out to the kitchen and Karen smiled.

"Smart girl" Karen cooed kissing her , she walked to the kitchen to see if her mom was actually there.

"Hi mommy." Karen greeted.

"Welcome home" Mattie said to her, she was cooking for them.

"And she better stay home." Jacky said getting in with Dorinda.

"Yes please, no more hospitals Karen."  Dorinda said and they chuckled.

"Your husband must be loaded because I would go broke by the amount of times you be in the hospital Karen." Jacky said and Dorinda nudged her as Karen laughed at that.

"I still have a son I left behind at the hospital... " Karen pointed out.

The family stayed in the kitchen as their mother cooked for them, Jacky of course wanted to help since she was also the appointed chef of the family.

After the day of spending time with her family, Karen decided to go rest so she can head back to the hospital for little John since she felt like he was alone.

For the days that followed Karen kept the routine of going in and out of the hospital to be with John, her mother would often go with her.

Her sisters still continued to perform without Karen if they had small events or so because she's been out of it for a little while and they didn't rush her coming back.

The only thing they would rush her into was her therapy which she tried to avoid, she didn't understand how they expected her to go there when her son hasn't been cleared to go home yet.

"Karen you promised that you will participate in therapy." Jacky said to her , they were coming back from church.

"Jacky I know but I will once J Drew is home." Karen said.

"That lady trusted you Karen and you went back on your promise." Jacky said trying to make Karen feel guilty and Karen just gave her an annoyed look.

"Oh my God fine... you can make the appointment Jacqueline " Karen said .

"Was that so hard?" Jacky asked then Karen sucked her teeth at her.

Karen didn't know if she would be able to but she did make a promise to her doctor that she will cooperate that day, so she did feel bad about that.

When they were settled Karen saw as her sister Jacky made the call to her doctor to book an appointment on a Sunday, which she thought was weird.

But Jacky was acting, she had already made one for her and all she had to do was get her to agree to go.

The day that followed arrived and Karen walked into the office of her therapist , she talked to the receptionist and was told to be seated since she was a little early and Karen did as she was told.

"Ms Rivera will now see you in." Karen heard after about 15 minutes of her waiting.

She thanked the lady and got up with her purse to enter the office, coming in she greeted her doctor who greeted her back.

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