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"Karen would you stop with all of that shyness, you can do this , I believe that you can." Mattie said to Karen and she kept shaking her head no.

"Come on Karen, just lead the song." Twinkie pressed.

"I don't think I'm ready, I can't do it." Karen said to them.

They had a concert to perform and Twinkie changed her mind about leading the song last minute because she didn't feel like hitting the high notes and now they were trying to convince Karen to take it.

"Karen come on, you the natural soprano in the group." Jacky said and Karen shook her head.

"Twinkie you're going to have to suck it up cause I ain't doing it." Karen said fixing herself.

"Karen just do the damn song." Dorinda said to her and Karen cut her a look.

"Why?" Karen whined, she was too scared, a lot of things could go wrong and she didn't want to embarrass herself she was fine hiding under her sisters voice when they would blend.

"You need the practise Karen, your voice is big and you're making it small... you limit yourself because of all the wrong that could happen but do you think about if all the right things could happen, if you can actually do it?" Dorinda asked and Karen just looked at her.

She had to admit that her sister was right, she would think about what could go wrong instead of what could go right.

"Dorinda I'm scared." Karen said to her and then Dorinda held her hand.

"I know, but if you feel like the fear is taking over on stage just look at me, look at momma or Jacky or Twinkie, we will give an encouraging nod, reminding you that you got this. And Twinkie will be right there with the organ covering for you." Dorinda said and Karen let out a breath.

"Okay... I'll do it." Karen said and the sisters cheered .

"Blow it out!" Her mother said and Karen smiled.

They finished getting their dresses together , when they were done their mother prayed for them and they made their way to the stage.

After greeting the audience her sister Twinkie announced that Karen would be taking over Endow me since it was the song that they were going to open with and the crowd cheered.

Karen looked around the room filled with people, she then looked at Dorinda who was next to her and Dorinda smiled at her and gave her a knowing nod and Karen took a breath.

To lay hands and to desern
To understand Gods holy word
To speak with tongues give interpretation
To prophecy with edufacation
Move in the midst of the people
Move in me Lord like shekinah glory from on high

Karen sang the song from beginning to end with ease and her voice allowed her to take over instead of the fear, she was relieved when she ended because she didn't mess up the song.

Her first time leading with an audience and she was glad it went well even though it wasn't all the way planned.

"See Karen? You killed that!!!" Twinkie exclaimed once they got off stage.

"You did so good baby" Mattie said and she hugged her.

"Thanks mommy" Karen said.

"Now why the babies of the group always gotta have the best voice?" Jacky said joking .

"She wore it out didn't she?" Dorinda asked.

"She sure did " Jacky said .

"We're proud of you KareBear. " Twinkie told her.

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