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"Karen... Karen " Drew said shaking her up and Karen opened her eyes

"We gotta go " Drew told her, Karen looked around to see what's going on and their stuff was packed.

"Go take a shower baby so we can go" Drew said helping her get up, she saw that the baby was placed in a chair she didn't recognise. Confusion hit her face and she looked at Drew as she stood on her feet.

"Go get ready " Drew told her and Karen walked to the bathroom.

She got herself ready taking a shower wondering where Drew was taking them and why he was in such a hurry.

As she got out with his shirt in her hands, he was taking the final luggage in his arm and he picked the car seat up.

"Come on let's go" Drew told her and Karen started walking following him. He grabbed her hand in a daze holding the chair and he pulled her with her. Opening the door he let Karen walk out first.

Once they got in the car Drew started speeding off , Karen wondered what was going on... everything was happening in a hurry, he was moving too fast. She sat in the backseat next to the baby as she rested, was calmly seated with her pacifier on.

He looked at Karen and he was driving as he kept looking outside, she looked back to see what he was searching for and there was nothing to her.

The drive was quiet the whole way both of them not saying a word to each other, they drove almost the whole day.

He parked at a place that looked to be abandoned and Karen wondered why they were here. Drew got out of the car and he opened the door for Karen.

"Come on" Drew said taking her hand and leading her out. He also took the baby's car seat and he handed the seat to Karen.

He took out a couple of bags from the back that was for Karen and the baby and he grabbed them.

"We're going inside" Drew said to her and Karen looked around, the place was scary.

"You and the baby will be safe here okay?" Drew said and Karen shook her head no, anywhere he wasn't there wasn't safe for her. "I'll be back, you're going to be here for a little while and I'll come back for you okay?"Drew said and Karen shook her head no again, Drew saw that she wanted to cry

"Look baby, I promise, I promise I will come back for you." Drew said to her and he grabbed her forehead and he kissed her.

"I promise okay?" Drew said and Karen just had a bad feeling about it all, the door opened as they stood there scaring her and she looked.

"Hey John Drew" a huge man said walking over to Drew to greet him.

"Danny! Man!" Drew said giving him a hug. " thank you for doing this for me man... I appreciate it." Drew said to him.

"That's cool man you know I'd do anything for you "Danny told him.

"Karen this is Danny, the man who I trust like no other... he'll keep you safe until I come back." Drew said to her and Karen looked down.

"Dan this is Karen... she doesn't talk, it's not about you." Drew said chuckling.

"Oh she don't speak?" Danny asked and Drew nodded.

"Yo' this your baby man?" Danny said walking up to Karen and the baby and Karen moved the seat away from him a bit. Drew didn't answer him, he didn't exactly know where he stood with Karen or what he was going to do with her and the baby.

"I gotta go man" Drew said, he walked to the door and he put the bags inside the house. Karen felt weird, she felt like the man was eyeing her the wrong way and she didn't like it... but Drew trusted him, and she trusted Drew.

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