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Karen and Clara were in the back of the building in the abandoned toilet areas out of the bordello or the trap house. Karen knew that they were going to come and look for her soon because it was in the night and they had to be in the corner but Clara was definitely going to get them in trouble.

"I can't do it, I can't do it Bug... it hurts so bad." Clara cried and Karen was wiping her with a cloth. Clara started calling Karen Bug at the beginning of their friendship because no one knew her name and Karen didn't want to say anything.

They only knew that only one person fucked or touched Karen... one person only and the other men knew also not to try anything with her, even though she was placed with the other girls Karen was indeed special, special to the owner.

Even when she didn't speak at all Clara didn't let that get in the way of being friends with Karen , she didn't speak to her but Clara appreciated that she would smile and laugh at her jokes and antics and would listen to her.

They shared a sisterly bond in the couple of months, protecting each other from the other girls in both the trap house & the stew and Karen also appreciated her company.

She has never met one of the girls who didn't hate her or was jealous of her and she has never had a friend until Clara.

Clara didn't know she was pregnant until her bump started showing but to her and her body felt weird, they didn't even know how many months she was but here she was about to give birth.

The pregnancy hid itself from everyone, even Clara, she didn't even feel the grow. When she noticed something different about herself she told Karen and they tried ways to get rid of the baby, what they did to pregnant women in the brothel was evil and for some reason she was glad that her pregnancy was cryptic that way she can be safe. But it was taking a turn for the worst

"I'm not going to make it Bug there's so much blood." Clara cried and Karen didn't even know how to help her, she's never seen anything like this or has ever came across it.

Karen went over between Clara's legs and looked at what's going on even though she couldn't see much.

She looked at Clara and Clara knew what she wanted to say even though she wasn't saying anything.

"Pull it out." Clara desperately cried and Karen looked at her.

She shook her head no with passion, she didn't want to hurt her.

"Bug the baby is stuck, pull it the fuck out!!!" Clara yelled, they've been here for hours and the head got out about 5 to 10 minutes ago. And Karen still shook her head no.

"Give me your hands." Clara said and Karen put her hands over to her.

"I want you to take my baby and run." Clara said as tears fell from her eyes. "I will never forgive myself if this baby dies Bug... and you can help it, please save the baby." Clara said begging Karen to just pull it out of her. She has been pushing and pushing and nothing was happening.

Karen nodded with tears in her eyes also, she didn't want to take this away from Clara, she knew Clara wasn't going to make it because she was losing a lot of blood so she had to decide to save the baby or lose both Clara and the baby.

"Ready?" Clara asked and Karen nodded as tears fell from her eyes.

"Okay, just pull it out." Clara said and Karen swallowed hard, preparing herself to do the bravest thing she could ever do in her entire life.

She took the baby's head in her hand and she slightly entered her fingers in Clara's vagina lips so she can feel what's going on and she started slightly pulling the baby.

"Fuuuuck!" Clara screamed, her piercing cried and screams was hitting Karen's heart and she didn't want to do this anymore... she was hurting her. She wasn't brave enough for this.

"Fuck Bug it hurts so bad." Clara said crying and Karen pulled and pulled until the shoulders were out, then after a terrible yell from Clara the whole baby was out of her followed by a pool of blood.

Karen held the baby in her arms as her hands were shaking and she gave the baby to Clara, she watched as Clara took the baby but she was bleeding out and that worried her even more.

"Take her and run Bug." Clara weakly said and Karen shook her head no, she didn't know what she would do especially with a baby, in her head she was a baby herself.

"Bug please... please, don't go back to the house... they will sell her the same way they sell us Bug please... please take her and run away from here." Clara begged and Karen looked at her, she looked as if she was taking her last breaths.

It was cold in December and they only had towels that Karen took when her water broke in a hurry... the baby was still attached to Clara.

Karen didn't know what she was doing and the baby was screaming, she helped Clark put the baby over her nipple so she can latch on her even though Clark was weak herself... they had no choice.

She looked around for something to use then she remembered her friend's necklace, she took Clara's necklace and she spilled the beads on her hand and put them in the pocket of her jacket and tied the little rope around the umbilical cord... tightening it so it can break.

Karen sat with them for a little while then she heard sounds, she checked at the tiny window and someone was sneaking in breaking the thin wall at the back and they pushed themselves in through the hole.

She thought that it was none of her business and she went back to attend to Clara.

"Please take her " Clara mumbled, her eyes slowly closing and Karen started to cry, this was it... she was taking her last breaths.

Karen took the baby and she covered her with the towels and she looked at Clara one last time taking her face in then she got up again and got out the building.

She wanted to go back to the bordello, she didn't know anything or anywhere else but that and she didn't know what to do... there wasn't even a way to escape this place, the walls were high, the security was tight most girls who tried ended up in punishment or dead.

But Clara's words "please don't go back to the house" kept on repeating in her head, she looked over the baby , a mixed baby who looked to have afro-latino genes in her and she had to make a decision.

Then she remembered... the hole on the wall, Karen went over it and looked at it to see if she could fit, she gently put the baby out first and the she snaked her body out of the hole.

Getting up she dusted herself and picked up the baby who was wide awake, she saw a car... a truck to be specific. Not having any bright ideas Karen went over the car and pulled the tonneau cover and she placed the baby in she then got in herself then she pulled it back as best as she could.

Karen didn't know what to do with the baby, the books she read all her life had never prepared her for such a thing... she patted her back trying to make her fall asleep.

A few minutes later Karen was startled with the sounds of distant guns blazing and loud booms and she was scared, she didn't know what was going on but she was scared, what if her uncle found out that she ran and he was looking for her?

He was going to kill her if he found her, he told her that she belonged to him and only him and fear started creeping into Karen's blood, she wanted to go back to the house... she was scared of leaving, she couldn't do this, she can't do this.

Before Karen even attempted to get up and try to get out the door opened and the car moved a bit and the door got shut and she felt the car start and before she knew it they were moving.

Karen was scared that the truck was making noise and it was going to scare the baby, and she would start crying and they will get caught but it was dark and she couldn't quiet see her, she moved her hands over her face a bit and felt her eyes not to much for her to feel it to much and the baby was still awake and Karen sighed... what was going to happen now?

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